Contact information
© Antimoon
You can contact Tom at this e-mail address:

- If you have found Antimoon helpful in learning English or another language, please send me a short note: Are you following some of the advice? Is it working? Which techniques are working best for you?
- Due to the high volume of e-mail I receive, I am unable to answer most requests for help/additional information/opinions about learning English. I do read all reader e-mail and your thoughts and experiences may be used as input in future articles on Antimoon. Please don’t take it personally if you don’t get a reply, or if you get a reply with a substantial delay.
- Link exchanges: I do not participate in link exchanges for ethical reasons. I feel I have an obligation to my readers to recommend only the best and most useful websites. That’s why I will not link to your website just because you linked to my website. That would be like accepting a bribe. However, I may link to your website if I like it on its own merits, and if you like my site, I would certainly appreciate a link from you. (If you have a quality website that’s useful to English learners, feel free to send me a short note about it. I may check it out.)