When i looked up in a dictionary for the word Monday,
i found that it's supposed to be pronounce m^n day,
but it should be pronounce mA:n day, which way pronounce you
this word,
please tell me where are you from
It's pronounced [m^ndei].
''Monday'' rhymes with ''Sunday''.
In my Anglish, not English, the word "monday" becomes "munday."
Winnie the Pooh eats hunny, not honey.
If English were a perfect German I would say:
Ei hav much munny in mei pokket. --- I have much money in my pocket.
Who guesses which is the perfect way to represent the true spelling?
Some Romance languages' people might guess in their phonics.
M'^'nd-i: Tius-d-i: Wen-sd-i: Thurs-d-i: (rolling the "r") Fr-eye-d-i: (rolling the "r") Sat-ur-d-i: (rolling the "r") Sun-d-i:
June now....the summer months have no "r" letters in them......eat no pork when there is no "r" in the month! (some old British tradition so I believe..don't think many people take notice of it, unless of course for religious reasons). Cheers :-)
Nobody says "Monday" as ('Maun-''Die). This is not Spanish, okay!
I never said monday as maun day,
i said monday as mon day,
and I'm not hispanic
I say [m^ndei].
To "Julian",
Though I can't claim sole ownership of that name, perhaps you should've used another name to avoid any identity confusion. Or are you purposely faking me?
How long will the "Julian Wars" continue? Peace in our time, guys!
I don't know where you get "mA:n day" from. I'm not even sure what "A:" could mean. I think everybody is agreed on /m^ndei/. It's like "monkey" and "money". I think the old scribes thought spelling it with a "u" looked too ghastly (too many up-and-down strokes in a row).
From a Southern perspective it's the winter months which have no "r" letters in them ... I'd never heard of the not eating pork tradition.
Do you know of anybody's saying /wedn..zdei/ or /wed-n..sd-i:/ or some such thing in your part of the World?