Imagine if Spain would join to Portugal

Mimi   Thu Apr 30, 2009 3:48 pm GMT
/Portuguese does have Spanish conditional tense eu cantaria, tu cantarias, eu faria eles fariam and it's very similar to the Spanish one...learn the language before talking about it....

But it's not used. Instead Portuguese use past simple more.
Brazilian Portuguese uses conditional (called Future-in-the-Past in Brazil):

I would like to know...

Gostava de saber (in Portugal) ''past simple''
Eu gostaria de saber (in Brazil) ''conditional''
walalla   Thu Apr 30, 2009 4:36 pm GMT
Conditional mood is used in European portuguese as well
Matchpoint   Thu Apr 30, 2009 5:36 pm GMT
<<Differences between Spanish and Portuguese are mainly in terms of pronunciation. Spanish pronunciation is clear and Portuguese is more blurry.>>

perplejo   Thu Apr 30, 2009 11:11 pm GMT
Is it true that in Spanish you can use the imperfect tense instead of the conditional tense with the same meaning:

Cantaría = cantaba

Si yo fuera el presidente, legalizaría la mariguana.
Si yo fuera el presidente, legalizaba la mariguana.
Guest   Fri May 01, 2009 12:40 am GMT
Yo uso el condicional, la primera opción la he escuchado, pero me parece incorrecta. Hay que tener cuidado en conjugar bien los verbos, o si no el español podría degenerar a un estado similar al portugués.
Guest   Fri May 01, 2009 12:55 am GMT
Perdón, quise decir la segunda opción.
Mimi   Fri May 01, 2009 6:21 am GMT
''Hay que tener cuidado en conjugar bien los verbos, o si no el español podría degenerar a un estado similar al portugués. ''

And this was said by a person who obsoleted Future Subjunctive
Filipe   Wed May 20, 2009 1:43 pm GMT
First of all the language is history and culture, uniting the two languages is simply erasing a piece of historical an cultural value !! what about killing the french language or the English language ? both language are also similar don't you think? well let the Iberian people have their own root and language !

Another point I would like to stress is that I have been reading this forum since the beginning, I can say that some Spanish and Portuguese people around the net are really childish and imperialistic. Spain is at the moment for european standards (which are the most developed continent in the world regarding GDP's per capita) by far more developed than Portugal and that's true, that the Portuguese efforts to develop the Portuguese economy are insufficient is true, corruption (people's and political) is very high in Portugal, this is mainly why Portugal does not seems to grow economicaly. Spain has by far a better economical, industrial and political structure. Thanks to the federalism of Spain every region competes with each other, modernizing its infrastructure, this is mainly the reason why Spain has a good economic growth.

Portugal is doing better than 20 years ago, for certain, what Portugal needs is a changing mentality because it has not used they bests cards.
India did not have good Universities, most of their executives went abroad to the top European and American Universities, than they went back home to forgue their companies ! Bangalore and Mumbai are cradles of the Indian miracle !! Portuguese engineers and scientist pretty good as well but they stay abroad after graduations !! Instead they need to go back to Portugal to create new employment. Education is needed in Portugal, for example the University of Porto is doing pretty good !! FEUP is one of European top university about Engineering !!!
A good Government and the change in mentality would stimulate the economy as fast as in 10 years !! than Portugal would be at the level of most developed countries !

As for Brasil, meu irmão, it is very interesting how fast they are developing their country, but please do not forget the people living in the favelas ! give them some petrodollars as well when you'll start digging !!!!
Guest   Wed May 20, 2009 5:27 pm GMT
Thanks to the federalism of Spain every region competes with each other, modernizing its infrastructure, this is mainly the reason why Spain has a good economic growth.

Spain has a very sui generis structure, it can't be called a federal country in the traditonal sense as not all the regions are all the same. Some have more self-governing capability than others. If anything , I would call Spain a kind of a confederal country, pretty much like USA before 1860.
Guest   Mon May 25, 2009 12:53 pm GMT
It appears that the Portuguese presidents can speak Spanish:

Valencia, 23 may (EFE).- El primer ministro de Portugal, José Sócrates, ha reclamado hoy la necesidad de que los socialistas ganen las elecciones del próximo 7 de junio para lograr "un modelo social europeo con más regulación económica" y con más "justicia y protección" alejado de los valores "conservadores y ultraliberales".

Sócrates ha pronunciado estas palabras en un mitin del PSOE en Valencia, junto con el presidente del Gobierno, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, la vicepresidenta primera, María Teresa Fernández de la Vega, y el cabeza de lista de los socialistas, Juan Fernando López Aguilar.

"Tenemos que votar, porque un voto de los socialistas en España y en Portugal es un voto con el cambio de Europa", ha afirmado para mostrarse convencido de que estos comicios son "una oportunidad para un cambio muy semejante al de los Estados Unidos con la elección de Barak Obama como presidente".

El primer ministro luso ha expresado su "admiración y aprecio" por la forma de gobernar los socialistas en España, porque han impulsado "un proyecto moderno y progresista, que es la marca de José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero", al que se ha referido como "un gran líder político europeo".

Ha defendido que la construcción de una Europa "más fuerte es necesario para construir un mundo mejor" y ha señalado que en este camino los socialistas españoles y portugueses están juntos, como lo han estado en la defensa del Tratado de Lisboa.

La Unión Europea, ha afirmado, "es un proyecto político muy importante y tiene que permanecer unido y fuerte, y no dividida entre la vieja y la nueva Europa".
yo   Mon May 25, 2009 8:35 pm GMT
It appears that the Portuguese presidents can speak Spanish:

Creo que existen traductores en Portugal, es decir alguien que traduzca del portugues al imagino que no haya sido muy dificil de leer ese texto para Socrates, el espanol no es chino...
Pancartero   Tue May 26, 2009 2:03 am GMT
Pues para las tonterías que ha dicho ese Sócrates mejor que las hubiera dicho en portugués y así no hace el ridículo . Ojo a lo que dice el jumento de poniente: "un modelo social europeo con más regulación económica". Ecima lo dice en el país de Europa donde es más difícil abrir una empresa y más caro cuesta despedir a los empleados vagos. Lamentable. Como todos los políticos portugueses piensen en regular (eufemismo de mangonear) lo máximo posible la economía no os vais a levantar en la puta vida.
Paulo   Thu Jun 11, 2009 9:45 pm GMT
Portugal will never join with Spain! They were and still are rivals! Do any of you people know how much the Portuguese(including myself) detest Spaniards? Look at the history and you will realize that these 2 totally differnt countries in every way will NEVER unite.
gomorrah   Thu Jun 11, 2009 10:31 pm GMT
I wonder why Portugal remained separate from Spain all these years and yet Catalunia never did?
guest   Thu Jun 11, 2009 10:32 pm GMT
Imagine if Vulcan would join to Romulus