Flap t after L (question for Americans)
I have another question about the flap t in American English. (For an explanation of the concept, see this topic:
Is it [correct], [incorrect] or [correct, but careless] to pronounce the flap T in the following words and phrases:
difficult idea
asphalt industry
Thanks a lot for your responses.
I don't pronounce any of these words with a flap 't', and if I did hear someone use flap 't' then I would think that they're either extremely careless or non-native Anglophones.
im with jj
none have flaped t for me and if i did hear it, id find it accented
I also agree with JJ. None of those words should be flapped.
I also don't flap any of those T's and I would find it odd if I heard another American English speaker flap them.
No flap "t" in any of those words. With the exception of "faculty", which can have a flap, I typically don't use the flap "t" after "l".
I would never flap a T in any of those examples.
I forgot to mention that he also says "penalty" with no tapping though, at 0:58
So I would say that a tapped t is possible after /l/ because I sometimes hear it, but only in a few words, and it can only be found in certain accents.
I am going to go against the general opinion here and say that there CAN be a flap T in pretty much any of those words if you're speaking sloppily.
It would sound weird to hear a flap in any of those cases.
@Johnny: Ha ha, great catch!
@Uriel: "You would never use a flap T in any of these examples", so if you heard someone use it, would it sound incorrect or just careless?
@all: I am pretty sure I could say "difficult idea" and "asphalt industry" with a flap T in a way that wouldn't raise your objections, especially in rapid speech.
Even if it's "possible" to flap any of those t's, in every case it would be sloppy. That is enough to label it incorrect, for someone who is learning how to speak proper English.
"difficult idea" and "asphalt industry" with a flap T in rapid speech sounds fine to me
though i would use a glottal myself