Evidences of Hispanic Manipulation of Wikimedia/pedia

Red Echelon   Wed Jan 13, 2010 2:48 pm GMT
Ciudad de México va a superar a Londres y París en GDP antes de 3-4 años, y Sao Paulo ya las ha superado,igual que Los Ángeles. ¿De veras se exagera con el Español?. Parece que no.
Red Echelon   Wed Jan 13, 2010 2:59 pm GMT
En estos momentos las ciudades con mayor PIB del Mundo son

Nueva York- 1.400.000 M de Dólares
Los Ángeles-1.150.000
Sao Paulo-600.000

3 de ellas son hispanas,2 anglo,1 francesa,y 1 japonesa. El Español es imparable.
Franco   Wed Jan 13, 2010 3:35 pm GMT
Los brasileños no se consideran hispanos sino lusos.
Red Echelon   Wed Jan 13, 2010 4:00 pm GMT
Es que da igual. Vete a la lista de las 100 ciudades con mayor GDP del Mundo en Wikipedia y te sale que de esas 100 , 25 de ellas hablan Inglés mayoritariamente, 20 hablan español o los entienden(Portugués),Y SOLO 3 DE ESAS 100 HABLAN FRANCÉS.
-Sp-   Sun Jan 24, 2010 12:46 pm GMT
Here's a another evidence of Hispanic manipulation of Wikipedia.

I posted a text in the "Spanish vs French" thread http://www.antimoon.com/forum/t15678-30.htm found on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Languages_of_Catalonia with a title "Languages of Catalonia" contained the following text:

A majority (52.6%) use Catalan with their children (compared to 42.3% for Spanish). This can be attributed to some Spanish-speaking citizens shifting from their mother tongue to Catalan at home.

Suddenly, I guy named Jordi posted a modified text found the same link and it appeared like this:

A majority (80.6%) use Spanish with their children (compared to 19.4% for Spanish). This can be attributed to some Catalan-speaking citizens shifting from their mother tongue to Spanish at home

It's obvious that the Hispanics always alter the contents of Wikipedia just to favor the Spanish language. They're experts when it comes to lying.

Fortunately, the custodians of that article restored the article to its original text.
brasileiro   Sun Jan 24, 2010 3:04 pm GMT
Red echelon eres un idiota.

Porque insistes em incluir o Brasil na hispanofonia.

Nossa praia são os portugueses, os galeses os cabo verdianos etc.
Por favor qdo incluis o Brasil na hispanofonia sinto-me enojado.

Vocês espanhóis só entendem o português qdo falamos lento, claro que qdo vemos um espanhol falamos bem leto para que entendam.

Mas se for pra falar lento pode-se viver em qualquer país depois de um mês de estudo.
Deixe o Brasil em paz,não quero que meus filhos falem espanhol.
Franco   Sun Jan 24, 2010 3:07 pm GMT
Brasileiro, nobody cares if Brazil speaks Spanish, Portuguese or wathever in Spain. We only know here that you are poor and come to Europe as illegal aliens many times.
brasileiro   Sun Jan 24, 2010 3:10 pm GMT
Red echelon cares.
Say to him -- shut the fuck up red echelon.
Red Echelon   Sun Jan 24, 2010 3:17 pm GMT
BRASILEIRO, pelagatos, tú preocúpate de los 50 millones de brasileiros que viven en favelas como los haitianos. Deberías dar gracias a las empresas españolas que empezaron a invertir en Brasil hace 15 años cuando ningún país del Mundo quería saber nada de Brasil. De malnacidos es ser desagradecidos.
tião   Sun Jan 24, 2010 4:54 pm GMT
Red Echelon, lave a boca antes de falar do Brasil, castelhano linguarudo. Primeiro, a maior força na economia brasileira são os investimentos nacionais e não os estrangeiros. Segundo, na última década a Espanha ficou atrás dos EUA e da Holanda, e pouco à frente da França e da Alemanha no ranking de investimentos estrangeiros diretos. Terceiro, EUA, França e Alemanha investem por aqui há muito mais tempo, e em setores muito mais importantes da economia, como o automotivo (é a eles que devemos boa parte da nossa industrialização e tecnologia de ponta, como a nuclear, os agradecimentos vão aonde são merecidos). Quarto, a Espanha só começou a investir aqui na época das privatizações, que foram muito concorridas. Quinto, se investe aqui é porque é lucrativo, se não gosta que vá colocar seu dinheiro em países "confiáveis" e "estáveis" como Bolívia, Venezuela, Nicarágua, Equador, Argentina.

Se souber português, é só conferir os dados na página do Banco Central.

Aliás, se português e castalhano fossem parecidos, tu serias capaz de escrever em português e falar português, coisa que tu obviamente não consegues. Então pare com essa asnice de incluir o Brasil no mundo hispânico.
Franco   Sun Jan 24, 2010 4:58 pm GMT
A Spaniard tying to speak Portuguese would be like Duchess trying to do the job of a maid.
brasileiro   Sun Jan 24, 2010 5:13 pm GMT
"A Spaniard tying to speak Portuguese would be like Duchess trying to do the job of a maid. "

as u want, so dont put lusophony alongside hispanophony.
dont matter what u think of us,if we are poor or what,however bad it is a question of love, we are pride of our culture and idiom.we dont want them contaminated by the spanishs.

viva a lusofonia.
Franco   Sun Jan 24, 2010 6:10 pm GMT
It's not the Spaniards who put Brazil in the same group as the Spanish speaking countries. In Spain we don't give a shit Portugal so figure out Brazil which is thousands of km away. It's the rest of the world tha considers Brazil to be part of Latin America. In USA they think you even speak Spanish, so deal with it. I don't care whether you like it or not, I just point out a reality. Also if you don't like the Spanish speaking countries , what are you doing in Mercosur? That will only increase the ties with the Hispanosphere and the perception of Brazil as another Hispanic fellow.
tião   Sun Jan 24, 2010 6:51 pm GMT
<< It's not the Spaniards who put Brazil in the same group as the Spanish speaking countries. In Spain we don't give a shit Portugal so figure out Brazil which is thousands of km away. It's the rest of the world tha considers Brazil to be part of Latin America. In USA they think you even speak Spanish, so deal with it. I don't care whether you like it or not, I just point out a reality. Also if you don't like the Spanish speaking countries , what are you doing in Mercosur? That will only increase the ties with the Hispanosphere and the perception of Brazil as another Hispanic fellow. >>

Were talking about Red Echelonito's idiotic theories here, not the world's and yankees' perception of Brazil. Fact is we don't speak Spanish, so stop mentioning us as a Hispanic country. We don't give a shit about Spanish speaking countries either, so if you also don't give a shit about us, just stop mentioning our country.

About mercosul, there isn't anything hispanic about it. It is a free market block with three official languages, and Portuguese is by far the most spoken and the most important. Aso, only in hispanic minds you have to like and be a "fellow" of someone to trade with him, our biggest trade partners are China and the US, so according to your hispanic theories we should already be a English speaking nation and should start learning Chinese right now.
Franco   Sun Jan 24, 2010 6:57 pm GMT
Learn whatever language you desire, dear Brazilian mulatto.