I’ve updated my reading recommendations for beginners with links to some great detective stories and my experiences learning German with simplified books (also known as “learner literature” or “graded readers”).
I’ve updated my reading recommendations for beginners with links to some great detective stories and my experiences learning German with simplified books (also known as “learner literature” or “graded readers”).
Hi Tom. If you have been learning German I’m sure you’ll probably know some good German dictionaries with example sentences. Could you please recommend me one or two? Sorry for the offtopic. Cheers.
Here are two dictionaries that I found OK many years ago, but I’m sure there are better alternatives now.
Hi Tom, can you give some advice to people who have been in contact with English for 2-3 decades, read books in English, occasionally read newspapers in English, but are still not able to reach native-like level?
I can only give the obvious advice: more spoken input/output.
Hi Tom, could you give some thoughts on how many new words should we learn per day to reach the level of average native speaker’s vocabulary ???? The other day, I have written down and looked up nearly 90 words per day after reading a novel……………… My strategy is to learn and review carefully these 90 words in one day…… But it’s really tough!!!!! COULD YOU HELP ME COME UP WITH A MORE EFFECTIVE STRATEGY PLEASE, …. I really wanna grow my vocabulary despite hard-working !!!!
You should look into SRS.