Wallonia must be part of FRANCE

Ed   Saturday, January 15, 2005, 18:32 GMT
I always thought of Belgium as a French-speaking country.
tiste   Saturday, January 15, 2005, 19:02 GMT
Oh, so you forgot about the other 6 million Flemish people ?
Why does Belgium always get the stamp of beeing total French-speaking.
Pierre Caroit   Saturday, January 15, 2005, 20:48 GMT
Do you really think that speaking english is a sign of intelligence???
Walloon don't need to speak english because french is an international language with a GREAT culture contrary to your poor flemish language which looks more like a "throat illness" than anything else, and which is only spoken in Flanders,LOL!!!

I'm a walloon and agree with Louvain-la-neuve when he says that the separation between the waloon and the flemish is unavoidable.
Flanders is becoming a fascist region!! Shame on you!!
You make me laugh when you say that the flemish always pay for the walloon. You know, I work as the main part of the francophones in Belgium, and I don't need any assistance from you!!

The flemish people are racist. The first party in Flanders is a nazi party called Vlaams Belang. Everytime I go to Flanders I was insulted or badly welcomed by the flemish who are supposed to be my "fellow coutrymen" (LOL). I think I'm french, that's why I listen to french music. You know, here we sing and listen to french-speaking music contrary to the flemish who prefer to sing in english (How proud of their language they are...lol)

PS: 85% of the inhabitants of Bruxelles are francophones and hate the flemish, so shut up!!!

Vive la Wallonie française!!!
Vive la France!!!
Pierre Caroit   Saturday, January 15, 2005, 20:54 GMT
Here is a song of the great Jacques Brel, A flemish singer who sang in french and who criticized his own flemish culture.

Les F...

Messieurs les Flamingants
J'ai deux mots à vous rire
Il y a trop longtemps
Que vous me faites frire
À vous souffler dans le cul
Pour devenir autobus
Vous voilà acrobates
Mais vraiment rien de plus

Nazis durant les guerres
Et catholiques entre elles
Vous oscillez sans cesse
Du fusil au missel
Vos regards sont lointains
Votre humour est exsangue
Bien qu'y aient des rues à Gand
Qui pissent dans les deux langues
Tu vois quand j'pense à vous
J'aime que rien ne se perde
Messieurs les Flamingants
Je vous emmerde

Vous salissez la Flandre
Mais la Flandre vous juge.
Voyez la mer du nord
Elle s'est enfuie de Bruges.
Cessez de me gonfler
Mes vieilles roubignoles
Avec votre art flamand-italo-espagnol.
Vous êtes tellement tellement
Beaucoup trop lourds
Que quand les soirs d'orage
Des chinois cultivés
Me demandent d'où je suis,
Je réponds fatigué
Et les larmes aux dents :
"Ik ben van Luxembourg".
Et si aux jeunes femmes,
On ose un chant flamand,
Elle s'envolent en rêvant
Aux oiseaux roses et blancs

Et je vous interdis
D'espérer que jamais à Londres
Sous la pluie on puisse
Vous croire anglais
Et je vous interdis
À New-York ou Milan
D'éructer Messeigneurs
Autrement qu'en flamand
Vous n'aurez pas l'air cons
Vraiment pas cons du tout
Et moi je m'interdis
De dire que je m'en fous
Et je vous interdis
D'obliger nos enfants
Qui ne vous ont rien fait
À aboyer flamand
Et si mes frères se taisent
Et bien tant pis pour elles.
Je chante persiste et signe :
Je m'appelle Jacques Brel
Ed   Sunday, January 16, 2005, 04:14 GMT
<<Oh, so you forgot about the other 6 million Flemish people ?
Why does Belgium always get the stamp of beeing total French-speaking. >>

No, I didn't forget about them, simply because I didn't know about them. Until recently I didn't know that Belgium was a bilingual country.
Camundongo   Sunday, January 16, 2005, 05:10 GMT
Official languages of Belgium:

Dutch (60% of population)
French (39 % of population)
German (1% of population)

Walloon language and Flemish language are obsolete terms, Dutch and French is to be used.
Camundongo   Sunday, January 16, 2005, 05:23 GMT
French-speaking minorities in Belgium, Switzerland and Canada should be aware that they are MINORITY and that they cannot make rules for other people who live in these countries!!!
Independent Quebec and/or Wallonia? Just because they are so lazy to learn any language other than French...

Grow up, people!

Until Napoleon, 100% of Belgium was Dutch-speaking!!!

Dividing Belgium will always be impossible since its capital (Brussels) lies in Flanders (although 80 % of Brussel's population speak French, they do not consider themselves Waloon or French at all, only Belgian!!!)

(Many French-speaking people from Brussels are fluent in Dutch too, so Brussels is, in fact, a bilingual city!!!)
Tiste   Sunday, January 16, 2005, 08:35 GMT
Pierre Cariot , who are you calling a fascist ? You're just like the invader of WWII , but instead you're invading BRUSSEL ( not Bruxelles , because it's Flemish !). By the way, wasn't it the Walloon people who forbid us to speak Flemish in the past ( That's really fascist to me ! ). The french have forgotten about you long ago , it's really low that you come crawling back to the French , begging them to annex you!
Pierre Caroit   Sunday, January 16, 2005, 11:12 GMT
You said: "Until Napoleon, 100% of Belgium was Dutch-speaking!!!"

LOOOLLL!!! It is the most ludicrous thing I have ever read in my life.
I strongly advise you to open an History book... The linguisistic frontier between the two communities is the same since the High Middle Ages. Belgium has always been at a cultural crossroad between the romance languages (french) and the germanic ones. People in Liège or Namur have never spoken dutch!!!! What rubbish!!! Visibly you don't know Belgium's history at all!!

Oh yes I'm a bit lazy to learn a language such as dutch which not only is just spoken in netherlands and in flanders (where people hate us), but which is also in my opinion a very ugly and guttural language (sorry but it's what I think): arabic or german could be the sweetiest language compared to dutch (or Flemish).

"Dividing Belgium will always be impossible since its capital (Brussels) lies in Flanders"
I can see that you don't know very well the context. Indeed Bruxelles is a kind of francophone enclave in Flanders but very close to Wallonia. Plus its agglomeration, which depends on the flemish administration, is mainly francophone in the south (it's what we called "les communes à facilité"), that's to say Bruxelles could be linked to wallonia because people living between wallonia and Bruxelles are francophones.

Oh by the way, The walloon people is NOT a minority in Wallonia, Nor the quebeckers in Québec...
Pierre Caroit   Sunday, January 16, 2005, 11:27 GMT

You'd better not to speak about nazism or fascism to me, because Flanders has always been a conservative region, and was certainly one of the most pro-nazi region all over Europe during WWII. It's not surprising that today the flemish people vote mainly for The fascist party called Vlaams Belang (former Vlaams Blok) which advocate the hatred against the jews, the foreigners and anything which is not flemish...

No, the french have never forgotten us. General de Gaulle said in his memoirs that it would be a pleasure if the walloon wanted to be french (In 1945, The Liège congress voted for the annexion of Wallonia by France but the americans canceled the vote).
Nowadays, many French political leaders support our fight. Of course, they don't do it aloud, because Belgium is still a sovereign country (not for a long time...).
Tiste   Sunday, January 16, 2005, 12:02 GMT
Pierre Caroit ,

Should I pay for what my ancestors did ? No! And stop calling us fascists! Do you think my grandfather was pleased with the german invasion ?Far from , He fought like hell to protect Flanders.Sure some flemish people we're pro-nazi .But I'm a 100% sure Wallonia had it's pro-nazis too!It's not because we speak a germanic language , that we we're Nazis.I'm sure you can't even tell German from Dutch .But you Walloons only think of us as filth , don't you ?
Pierre Caroit   Sunday, January 16, 2005, 12:53 GMT

You distort my words!! I've never said YOU are responsible for what the flemish did during WWII, and of course there were pro-nazi people in Wallonia (La légion Wallonie, Léon Degrelle...etc).
But the collaboration with the nazi regime in Flanders was much more important than in any other region of western Europe.
Moreover, Could you explain me why the first party in Flanders today is the Vlaams Belang??? This party is the heir of groups such as the Verdinaso of Joris van Severen or the Vlamsch Blok which where composed of convinced nazis who participated in the deportation of the jews?? How do the flemish could vote mainly for such a party today???

I don't think of the flemish as filth. I don't have any attraction to Flanders, that's different!!! Anyways, the Flemish don't like us. For example, if I go to Flanders saying I'm walloon, people refuse to speak to me, but if I say I'm French, they become nice as if by magic!!

Belgium is a just a marriage of convenience between two people who don't share the same culture, the same language, the same mentality...
Jordi   Sunday, January 16, 2005, 12:54 GMT
Dear Walloons and Flems:
Unfortunately, there were fascists all over Belgium during World War II. Lots of "collaborationistes" in France too. Please remember Petain's Government in Vichy.
Obviously, there were many who weren't nazis or pro-nazis otherwise we'd all be speaking German in Europe right now, starting with Paris and Brussels.
I find it humiliating for anyone to say that a language is ugly. There aren't ugly languages only ugly policies and, not so long ago, many people from Flanders were encouraged to speak French (were the one who forgot their Flemish called Francislons? Was Brel one of them?) telling them their language was worth nothing.
So let us have peace. If you can't live together you shouldn't be forced to live together. Sit down and talk. Commerce will continue when you're independent. I can assure you that will never be a problem. How long did it take for the rest of the world to do business with Germany? Or Germany with the rest of the world? Less than 24 hours.
Leon Degrelle, a well known Walloon fascist nazi collaborator found refuge in Spain when the dictator Franco received him. He died in Spain. The following paragraph is from an Internet page. I'd heard about Degrelle before so I looked him up for you. As you can read in that passage, both the Flemish (VNV) and Walloon Rexists fasscist were kept separated by the Nazis. Your problem isn't ideology but national identity. You just can't stand each other.
A Belgian French accent isn't well considered in official France anyway and a Flemish accent isn't well considered in the Netherlands. That is the price you've had to pay since you were separated for your natural people and cultures.
Anyway, I wouldn't want to be a Walloon French citizen right now although I would agree if the Flems went with the Dutch. Unfortunately, many of them hate the Dutch as much as they hate the Walloons. Why is that if they are of the same culture and speak the same language?
Everybody knows in France that the worst jokes are always about the French-speaking Belgians. As you know I'm not French nor Belgian but I know both countries quite well.
The quote is as follows:
"The NAZIs even before World War II drew a clear destinction between the two peoples of Belgium. They were most disposed toward their racial "cousins," the Flemings. They discovered after occupation, however, that the Walloon leader Léon Degrelle was a more willing disciple. The military and para-military formations formed in Belgium by the NAZI authorities were always kept seperated. Likewise the youth groups, based on the youth movements of collaborationist political partiesm VNV and Rexists were entirely separated. Hitler Youth units also operated in Belgium."
Pierre Caroit   Sunday, January 16, 2005, 14:27 GMT

I agree with you in several points. So far, I've read some of your posts on the forum, and I know you are a very open-minded person.

When I say I find Dutch (or flemish) ugly, it is a personnal viewpoint (As we say: les goûts et les couleurs ne se discutent pas...) but I will never prevent a flemish person from speaking its mother tongue. I don't want to impose the french language on the flemish.

You know, I 'm aware that the flemish and their culture were sometimes ill-treated by the francophone elites in the past. But you have to understand that today, Flanders is becoming mad. The far-right wing is very popular there (it's the first party), and they have a very agressive attitude towards us. For example, they expulsed the francophones students from the university of Louvain, in order to make a "pure flemish university", and I advise you to ask information about the "Fourons affair" (it would take to long to explain here...).

As for the "belgian french accent"... I don't see where the problem is??
Personally, I don't have any accent; I speak a "standard french". Of course some people in belgium still speak with an accent, but so most of the marseillais or the alsatians, or the toulousains do... Plus, the accent which is imitated by french comics is not the walloon one but the bruxelles one (that is to say french spoken with a kind of flemish accent).

You know, the jokes in France about the french speaking belgians make me laugh. It's not very serious. I would even say it is a proof of affection for us...It's not very nasty, and we do the same about our french brothers.

I totally agree with Louvain-la-neuve when he says that We, people of Wallonia, have been separated from our cultural homeland, FRANCE.
And I also think that Belgium is going to disappear in the future because it's a fictitious state created by diplomatic powers in 1830. They tried to make live together two people which have nothing in common.
Anyways, Flanders is going to separate from us because it is the main purpose of the Vlaams Belang. It's a wonderful opportunity for the walloons to re-integrate France.
Fredrik from Norway   Sunday, January 16, 2005, 16:42 GMT
If Nazi sympathies were always strong in Flanders, is that the reason why the Flemings and the Dutch don't like each others? After all, the Germans were especially nasty to the Dutch during WW2. Lots of Dutch people starved to death, something which is far worse than anything that happened in Norway during the war!