Which Chinese dialect do you like most? & Which sounds b

JT   Fri Mar 13, 2009 8:00 am GMT
While someone’s worthless postings flooding this forum do not concern me a bit, I wish to point out the races are Asian, White, Black, etc and Cantonese, Shanghainese and the like are ethnic groups. It accordingly is inappropriate to define such practice as racism.
Southern   Thu Mar 26, 2009 3:51 pm GMT
5, Hakkanese (客家語-梅縣話) <34 million>

The Hakkanese (Native term: Hak-kâ-fa / Mandarin term: Kejia) is a member of Sinitic languages which spoken predominantly in Southern China by the Ethnic Hakkanese Group and descendants in diaspora throughout East and Southeast Asia and around the world.

The Hakkanese language has numerous dialects and spoken in the Southern provinces of China. Hakkanese is not Mutually Intelligible with Mandarin, Cantonese, Hokkien and most of the significant Spoken Language of the Sinitic Group.

There are accents difference between Dialects of Hakkanese in Taiwan and Cantonland. Amongst the Dialects of Hakkanese, the Moi-yen / Moi-yan (Sinograms: 梅縣; Hakkanese: Moi-yen / Moi-yan; Mandarin: Méixìan) dialect of Northeast Cantonland has typically been viewed as a prime example of the Hakkanese language, forming a sort of Standard Dialect.

There are many dialects of Hakkanese in the Southern China such as Pingyuan (平遠), Dabu (大埔), Jiaoling (蕉嶺), Xingning (興寧), Wuhua (五華), and Fengshun (豐順), Jiaying (嘉應), Haifeng (海 豐), Lufeng (陸 豐), Changting (長汀) and etc. In Taiwan, the dialects of Hakkanese are Hailu(海陸; Hakka: Hoi-liuk), the Sixian (四縣; Hakka: Siyen). Every Hakkanese dialect has its own special pronunciation and vocabulary.

The Protestant missionaries had designed a number of Writing Systems in script of roman alphabet for Hakkanese at 19 century, and adopted that orthographies to translate the Bible and other books for the Hakkanese speaking people.
Adrian   Fri Mar 27, 2009 2:40 am GMT
JT's message

<< I wish to point out the races are Asian, White, Black, etc >>

You didn't directly include Red.
Shuimo   Sat Mar 28, 2009 3:48 pm GMT
Jordan Fri Mar 13, 2009 3:13 am GMT
Oh, a good one!
I should say the banning policy is not tough enough!
In public places, all communiation has to be Putonghua in China!!


If you call this racism, what do you call it when Nazi Germany literally murdered millions of Jews, Mr Jordan?
easy   Fri Apr 03, 2009 3:42 pm GMT
> CommonAswhole
> In the end, I can see why Chinese would use a different approach here though, your writing system consists of ideograms which makes communication so much easier between languages that aren't intelligible from each other when spoken.

The Literary Chinese (文言文) and Written Mandarin (白话文 or 汉语) are adopted the script of logograms (includes: ideograms) and syllobograms. This kind of writing system is known as the term Logo-syllabic Writing System. The Sumerian, Egyptian and Mayan be all designed in this form of writing system. These logograms and syllobograms makes the Written Language in communication so much easier between the different native Spoken Languages of different Language Families that although they are unintelligible in each other.
Jordan   Mon Apr 06, 2009 2:12 am GMT
Jordan Fri Mar 13, 2009 3:13 am GMT
Oh, a good one!
I should say the banning policy is not tough enough!
In public places, all communiation has to be Putonghua in China!!


If you call this racism, what do you call it when Nazi Germany literally murdered millions of Jews, Mr Jordan?


People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
basic   Wed Apr 15, 2009 4:21 pm GMT
Shuimo: Mandarin Chinese is basically Beijing dialect!
Standard Spoken Mandarin (putonghua) is basically on Beijing pronunciation.
Rogers   Fri Apr 24, 2009 3:33 pm GMT

6, Gannese (赣语) <20 ~ 50 million>
i prefer   Fri Apr 24, 2009 4:38 pm GMT
Stanley   Wed May 13, 2009 4:22 am GMT
<< Shuimo: Mandarin Chinese is basically Beijing dialect! >>

普通話,按照1956年2月6日中華人民共和國國務院發出關於推廣普通話的指示,就是:「以 "北京語音" 為標準音,以 "北方話" 為基礎方言、以典範的現代 "白話文" 著作為 "語法" 規範。」由中華人民共和國政府在全國推廣。

The word "Putonghua" (普通話) was defined in October 1955 by the Minister of Education Department in The People's Republic of China as follows: "Putonghua is the common Spoken Language of the modern Sinitics, the lingua franca of all Ethnic Speaking Groups in the country. The standard pronunciation of Putonghua is based on the Beijing Pronunciation, the Putonghua as a dialect (or language) is based on the Northern Dialects (the dialects of Mandarin), and the grammar policy is modeled at the Written Mandarin which was adopted in the modern Mandarin literary works".

普通話 Putonghua
北京語音 Beijing Pronunciation
北方話 Spoken Mandarin
白話文 Written Mandarin
語法 grammar

See the reference site: