language everyone wants to know but not learn

Guest   Fri Feb 22, 2008 1:31 am GMT
What would you say is 'the language everyone wants to know but nobody wants to learn'?

I think it must be an Asian language like Japanese or Chinese. Perhaps one might say English even, although lots of people learn it, most people want to KNOW it instantly and dislike learning it.

What do you think?
Guest   Fri Feb 22, 2008 1:35 am GMT
Well, in the United States I would say it's Spanish. People think they should learn it, have heard that it's "easy", but they struggle with this "easy" language.

I don't know that everyone wants to know Chinese or Japanese (two great languages, btw.) because not everyone can deal with the cultural aspects of the language.
Skippy   Fri Feb 22, 2008 4:08 am GMT
The reason people struggle with Spanish despite its relative ease and the high degree of exposure most Americans have with it, most Spanish-speakers speak English; furthermore, the fact that Spanish is so accessible, it makes it that much harder for a learner to sit down and study it... This is true for me with my homework... The easier it is, the easier it is for me to put it off...
Ditto   Fri Feb 22, 2008 6:51 am GMT
Spanish,as i already know Chinese & English

it'll be too hard for me,so i give up
Guest   Fri Feb 22, 2008 6:53 pm GMT
Good point Skippy, doesn't matter how easy Spanish is, people just don't like to sit down and actually study something.
Guest   Fri Feb 22, 2008 6:58 pm GMT
Spanish is so easy that you don't need to study it.
Guest   Fri Feb 22, 2008 10:57 pm GMT
Well, anyone can read Spanish (I'd say 95% good) without any previous knowledge.
Guest   Sat Feb 23, 2008 10:57 pm GMT
jajaj que idiota de mierda, si dejara aquí un poema de neruda estoy seguro de que no lo entenderían, ni mucho menos, no reconocerían ni una sola palabra.
Guest   Sat Feb 23, 2008 11:12 pm GMT
Pues aplicate lo de 'me gustas cuando callas porque estás como ausente' porque has dicho una tontería.
Poetry is even difficult for native people. Since the poem uses words people don't use them daily,it is normal they can't undertand them so easily.
Guest   Sat Feb 23, 2008 11:31 pm GMT
I think he means that anyone can pronounce Spanish with a little instruction. I find it strange to see "idiota de mierda" and "Neruda" in the same sentence. I don't think Don Pablo would approve. Remember how patient he was in that movie about his life in Italy.

"me gustas cuando callas porque estás como ausente"

Beautiful line, but shocking in a way.
Guest   Sat Feb 23, 2008 11:45 pm GMT
jaja ustedes son los idiotas más tontos que han vivido sobre la tierra desde hace muchos años, les aseguro que si yo viajara a los estados unidos y le preguntara a una persona cualquiera en la calle si entendiera una página cualquiera de un libro en español y le preguntara de qué se trata, el me miraría como se mira a un loco que está por orinar de una ventana que da a una calle llena de gente.
Guest   Sat Feb 23, 2008 11:52 pm GMT
Pablo Neruda was a stupid commie and his poetry was and is shit.
Guest   Sat Feb 23, 2008 11:53 pm GMT
<<el me miraría como se mira a un loco que está por orinar de una ventana que da a una calle llena de gente. >>
Primero, ¡qué rebuscado eres!. Por qué no dices simplemente que 'me miraría como las vacas al tren' y te evitas una grosería.
Segundo, si eliges una persona cualquiera de estados unidos no-hispana igual ni siquiera sabe español y si lo sabe ¿Por qué crees que no se iba a enterar?
Tercero, <<si yo viajara a los estados unidos >> tal como eres, igual no te dejan entrar.
Guest   Sat Feb 23, 2008 11:53 pm GMT
I guess you didn't understand my post even though I can understand your post in Spanish. Are you well?

"Ha. Ha. All of you are the silliest idiots who have lived on the face of the earth in many years. I assure you that if I were to travel to the USA and ask any random person on the street if he could understand any page of a Spanish book and ask him to tell me what it was about, he would look at me as if he were viewing a crazy man urinating out a window that looks out over a street full of people."

I just translated that quickly, to give everyone the flavor of your rant.
Guest   Sat Feb 23, 2008 11:58 pm GMT
Tercero, <<si yo viajara a los estados unidos >> tal como eres, igual no te dejan entrar.

Very cruel, but funny. Perhaps our friend has been drinking. Neruda is a great poet. He is no longer with us. I think he died many years before I was even born, but his poetry is still fresh to many people, even in English.

I wonder if his political views were just the trendy thing of his time. A lot of people in the arts are liberal.