Is it worth me continuing my Spanish studies...?!

Guest   Fri Feb 29, 2008 5:05 pm GMT
<<I've been learning Spanish for 8 years now and have failed in a spectacular fashion. Please be honest with me!>>
Ya que lo has querido te lo diré: Tú no tienes solución.
Jokes apart. You don't write bad spanish. I don't know how you sound in spanish but do you think you're sounding worse than this guy singing in english:
if not my advice is: take it easy and practise.
it's clearly not worth.
Guest   Fri Feb 29, 2008 5:42 pm GMT
Actually your paragraph was pretty damn good, enserio, y si sigues teniendo un acento al hablar es por que la unica manera de perderlo (como con todos los idiomas) es ir y practicarlo en un pais hispanoparlante para que lo escuches y trates de imitarlo perfectamente.
Guest   Fri Feb 29, 2008 5:48 pm GMT
All the people I know who've studied Spanish for over two years speak it pretty damn good, your writting was good, but if it takes you 8 years you might just be stupid, I'm sorry but it's true, English learners even when living in an English-speaking country almost never loose their accent, so I think you're asking yourself too much by trying to sound like a native.
Guest   Fri Feb 29, 2008 5:50 pm GMT
Spanish is very diffcult, so 8 years to achieve intermediate-advanced level seems reasonable.
Guest   Fri Feb 29, 2008 6:05 pm GMT
This forum is full of retarded... It's a true joke
Guest   Fri Feb 29, 2008 6:12 pm GMT
"but do you think you're sounding worse than this guy singing in english:
if not my advice is: take it easy and practise."

Whoa! What English? That ranks as one of my top three worst examples.
Guest   Fri Feb 29, 2008 6:17 pm GMT
Please! Someone have Raphael's personal assistant send him "Inglés sin Barreras" as a gift.
Guest   Fri Feb 29, 2008 6:28 pm GMT
This forum is full of retarded... It's a true joke

Welcome to the club.
Guest   Fri Feb 29, 2008 9:54 pm GMT
Happiness in a language: PEDRO INFANTE - ALMA LLANERA
Practise with him till you get the hang of it.
Me arrulló la viva diana de la brisa en el palmar
Y por eso tengo el alma
Como el alma primorosa
Y por eso tengo el alma
Como el alma primorosa
Del cristal del cristal.

Amo, lloro , canto, sueño
Con claveles de pasión
Con claveles de pasión.
Amo, lloro , canto, sueño
Para aunar las rubias crines
Al potro de mi amador.
Yo nací en una ribera
Del Arauca vibrador
Soy hermano de la espuma
De las garzas de las rosas y del sooool

Xie   Sat Mar 01, 2008 2:08 am GMT
>>>Spanish is not impossibly difficult, but its verbs are a little more complicated than just "past vs present" subjunctive. This is the most complained about aspect of Spanish by learners.<<<

I can only use French as a closer example. I'm still dabbling, but I know clearly that I can't just refer to the verb tables of my dictionary every time I want to use a verb _for_ the ?? person, the ?? tense, and the ?? gender. That is drudgery. So, I suggest using examples - but examples shouldn't be from inorganic sources, such as *certain*, I don't mean all, really dreadfully boring textbooks. I can't tell whether books (not textbooks) for reading ____ (insert language here) work for this end, but I can see the point of just using them if you only want to read. I'm thinking of those for reading German (and possibly French). I've been very excited to read quotations in German of Nietzsche, Goethe, Mann, and so on, even though I never read their works.
Guest   Sat Mar 01, 2008 6:00 am GMT
<< What are you talking about? This is one of many Spanish threads on Antimoon. On the other hand there is not a single French thread because nobody is interested in French, not to mention messages about Spanish in them. So don't lie , frog, we don' need to hijack French threads like you do with the Spanish ones because they are non-existent. Shame on you. >>

What are you talking about? Yes this is one of many Spanish threads on Antimoon. On the other hand there is no Spanish thread because nobody is interested in Spanish, not to mention messages about French in them. So don't lie , hispanic dung beetle, we don' need to hijack Spanish threads like you do with the French ones because they are non-existent. Shame on you.
huesped   Sat Mar 01, 2008 7:09 am GMT
One thing I've noticed in these threads is that the French fanaticshave a hard time thinking up their own viable arguements. They usually just copy someone's message and change the words (like above), showing that they have little ability to defend their position or that there are few facts to support it.
colorfast   Sat Mar 01, 2008 7:38 am GMT
<< One thing I've noticed in these threads is that the French fanaticshave a hard time thinking up their own viable arguements. They usually just copy someone's message and change the words (like above), showing that they have little ability to defend their position or that there are few facts to support it. >>

What do you mean that I don't have the ability to preszent an argument to support a fact.

It's you who don't have because you cannot present a good argument that Spanish has just a 20 million non-native speakers far less when compared to French with over 150 million non-native speakers. This makes Spanish a non-international language.

And another thing is Spanish speakers do not excel in science, technology, economy, arts, medicine, and literature which make it less prestigious than English, French, Russian, German, and Italian.
Guest   Sat Mar 01, 2008 3:18 pm GMT
Do you pretend us to believe that it's better to have many non native French speakers in Africa than true Spanish native speakers? Those 150 millions of non natives are mostly the African inhabitants of former French colonies, not people who learn French as a second language in the first world. Spanish instead has native speakers in Americas, so French loses again.
huesped   Sun Mar 02, 2008 4:09 am GMT
^ Yeap. And French Africa is hardly anything to boast about. When it comes down to it, saying that French is the 2nd international lanugage doesn't mean much because the 1st (English) always trumps over the apparent 2nd (French). So French is in with the rest of the large regional, semi-international languages. There is only one TRUE international language now.