Other features


You can search for a word to learn how it is pronounced. You can also search for a phonetic sound to learn what words contain it. Press Ctrl+F and type in the word or sound. PerfectPronunciation will show a list of exercises which contain the word or sound. To close the list of exercises and go back to the normal view, press Esc.

Random test

PerfectPronunciation manages your learning in an intelligent way. When you run it, it gives you the exercises that you need to review. If you wish, you also test your knowledge of random exercises which will include all the words — those that you remember poorly and those that you remember well.

To start the random test, press Alt+F11. To end the random test, click Stop instead of Next Repetition.

Resetting PerfectPronunciation

Sometimes you may want to reset PerfectPronunciation, for example when you haven’t used PerfectPronunciation for a long time and you don’t want to reinstall the whole program. To reset your copy of PerfectPronunciation:

  • Choose File | Level | Middle. This will enable advanced features of SuperMemo software.
  • Choose File | Tools | Reset collection. Answer Yes three times to the questions in the dialog boxes.
  • You can choose File | Level | Beginner to return to the simple interface and remove the advanced SuperMemo features.

Advanced features of SuperMemo

PerfectPronunciation is based on SuperMemo software. Normally, PerfectPronunciation hides most of the options of SuperMemo, so that you can see only the most important options. If you wish, you can gain access to the more advanced features of SuperMemo by choosing File | Level and selecting a higher interface level.

If you want to use the advanced features of SuperMemo, the following links may be helpful: