But you're right. I sympathise with the more classical (i.e. darker-skinned) immigrants. You can't change where you have been. Full integration is incredibly difficult for immigrants in the first generation.
I agree American English should be called American. Simon barks like a coward dog. Pathetic.
Yeah, Jeff, that's really convincing. Care to back up your insults with a little reasoning. Or are you content to throw words around, you arrogant racist.
This forum is reflecting rather badly on Americans.
I still don't see what you mean. British English is substantially 'world' English in that it is the most widely spoken variety, but it is still called British English because it is based upon the speech and usage of Britions.
I think it would be a lot of fun to be an immigrant. Like some exotic animal in a zoo. Nevermind.
But who are the Britons? Scottish people live in a society with many common features with England but not all. Therefore how can you talk about Britons? Unless you accept it as an umbrella term. Why aren't there Scottish British people and English British people?
Yeah it's a bit like that.
Why call the English in america american? Because they want to be even more independant from Europe and want to ignore the past that shaped and influenced them.
French is spoken in Canada, Martinique, Burkina Faso and among other places France. You don't hear a resident of Martinique say I'm going to speak Martiniquean, because one they would be speaking in French! But the other reason is that they feel that the name does not matter. People in Martinique have eactly the same language as the people in France, Burkina Faso and Canada. No words are changed at all. America manipulates the English language to their advantage which I see as being arrogant and selfish.
The same applies to spanish speaking countries. You don't speak Mexican in Mexico, but surprise surprise you speak Spanish!
The people of Martinique do not change their language name to Martiniquean because it is roughly the same as French and there would be no point!!!
Perhaps there are Scottish British and English British, but I am just British. I honestly cannot see any great differences between England, Wales and Scotland. The differences are just played up for effect.
Hi from So Cali. American's cool. We should call it American.
American sounds much better than English.
OMG, a lot of messages! Thanks for your messages. I understand us Americans prefer American English to be called American. Good idea, huh.
No bad idea. A pointless simplification for a people why constantly deny their roots. You will be the laughing stock of the English-speaking world.
Well why don't Americans go and do something about it then. All mouth and no trousers...
Pants, Simon, pants! For some reason Americans don't wear trousers, only pants, probably due to Webter's influence. They must get cold in winter though going out with only their pants on.