
sh1tstreek   Tuesday, June 17, 2003, 23:42 GMT
Since everyone is talking about the difference between BRITISH-English and American English, lets add some other -Britishisms that are not official?

Scouse English (English of the county of Merseyside, Northwest England)
r = rolled "r" like the spanish "comer, comprar" etc

Scouse - English
lorra - lot of
wa je wan'? - what do you want?
I'm gonna ge' me 'ed down - I am going to sleep
worrier - what are you
worrier doin - what are you doing
worrier on about - what are you talking about
secy - secretary
trainies - trainers/sneakers
footy - football/soccer
bevied - drunk
bevies - beers
prezy - present/gift
slash - (to release urine)
go 'ed - (reply sometimes meaning yes)
las - woman
lasses - women
lad - young man/boy
bizzies - police
yer off yer cake - your mad
yer off yer 'ed - your mad
brill - brilliant/awesome
pass us i' - pass me it
give us i' - give me it
tell us - tell me
boffin - geek/nerd
divy - idiot

That's it for now, but there are loads more.
Anyone got any others? Or would like to add Mancunian, Brummie, Geordie English etc?
Redacted   Monday, June 23, 2003, 15:09 GMT
My father's from Hunts Cross, Liverpool and after studying regional accents the Scouse accent is heavily infuenced by Irish immigration and earlier Welsh language settlements in the area.

Scouse: Spiegl refers to this dish with a pun: pot-au-feu l'hiver poule. The word comes from lobscouse, a sailor's (very likely a Norwegian sailor) dish of stewed meat, vegetables, and ship's biscuit, not unlike Irish stew. Lobscouser became a slang name for a sailor. As a port city, Liverpool became known for this dish. The word Scouser came to refer to a native of Liverpool, the city where they ate scouse, and Scouse referred also to the pronunciations and usages of that speech community. Debates about details continue, but some of the details are fascinating, for instance the fact that in Norway today Lapp Skews (not all that far from labscouse) are stewed strips of reindeer meat.

Can some one tell me if there is a better "definition" of a Scouser?

S is for Sardonic sense of humour
C is for Comedian born and Bred
O is for Only supports one soccer team (but has two to choose from!)
U is for Unswerving love for all things Liverpool
S is for Scouse eater
E is for Eulogizes Liverpool at every opportunity
R is for Rejoices in a good argument

Merriam-Webster Dictionary: Scous*er (noun) First appeared 1959: a native or inhabitant of Liverpool, England.
