<"You were here, Amoni? Hmmm...">
I like the word "halt" better than "freeze." (FYI) ;)
Have you guys heard of this book by this British author...Well, I forgot her name...but the name of the book is "Angus, Thongs, and Full-Frontal Snogging?" (The name of the book threw me off a bit. I almost didn't read it.) It has alot of British slang in it and a Glossary in the back for Americans. (lol) It's a funny book. (The author's name is Georgia sumthin'. I think.)
Slang speads quickly overseas both ways cause of TV. It would be wierd if the accent was passed along too and then we'd all have the same accent and slang. (Hey, I'm only thinkin') I wonder if this wud be a good thing or bad thing... (A cue for replies. *hint*)
I went to shee who the book ish by: Georgia Nicholson. Yuppersh. I'm fixin' tah go. 'Bye now. :) :P :D
~~Shayonara. *chuckle*~~
Radia, I'm sure that Brits don't get every joke on American programs. I'm sure they can't understand all the American satire on "The Simpsons," just because a lot of it is stuff you have to live in the US to experience.
I am sure Yanks, Yanks, Yanks...
Yep, you're right Ryan, although I'm sure it's exactly the same when American try to understand the British humour.
hmm well i personally don't have a problem understanding british and american humour(humor(@ americans ;) ). British humour is more subtle and dry i actually find it very funny shows like smith and jones are real funny,on teh other hand i guess american humour is more slapstick more loud, every body loves raymond , friends are good and i do htink quite alot of britons do watch more american shows wiht them being lal bombarded
anyway i find both funny , either way funny is funny wherever u are
In Silicon Valley, California, BBC News is broadcasted on PBS in the afternoon.
The use of the word "like" as a meaningless filler word is, like, a Southern California phenomenon. So. Cal. english, especially among native speaking youth, is very slang riddled. You do not hear it to great extent in other parts of the U.S., and then only with young people trying to emulate their television idols.
Hello, ESL teacher. I have already commented on the hackneyed and meaningless use of the word "like" in California and did not receive very favourable response.
Ledövsqayert njaqeshmovast pelotistanich nayern. Povitno ich nasrodket baijotersvod mit glastnem pejkatin, furod ich terrüvet Angliesk Ameriqanist garedelskovnaijot kaiyavitnost.
Vinnie, dat lüdorvasktod Britannist mist neschk öbernav quev nyod di Ameriqa. Dat leffteqovstaya laspeiteskerast glastnemmistich maqushst. Parvit?
Cal. ESL teacher, lietsk Pangwat es mist nyodmostlev "zavtkomme" qu'esberaiskerovet dat "like".
Bratslavod mesvietsker uberistich
Qalstayav Pirrutavsqod
Vinnie, dir lit laubstevret?
Are you a member of any of the Conlanging yahoo groups, Qalstayav Pirrutavsqod?
Hello folks, this is the first time I post a message in this Forum, and so far I saw this is a good place to discuss about the English language.
I'd like to leave my opinion here about the British and American English.
I think the spoken British English is generally easier to understand, because people speak it slower and clearer, so I'd say that it's more easy for people who is starting to study the English language.
Whereas I have learnt the American English, I do understand it better than the British one, and I think the American accent is more interesting.
I don't like the British accent when people speak the letter "r" as if they were speaking the "h", I can't represent this as I'd like, but I think you will understand. Anyway, American English and accent sound better than the British ones, this is the way I think.
The Riddle (from Brazil)
Hi Clark.
Me English very bad. Conlanging is what? Sorry. Me here write you no know thing?
You contradict yourself: "I think the spoken British English is generally easier to understand..." and then, "Whereas I have learnt the American English, I do understand it better than the British one..."