Friday, October 01, 2004, 06:02 GMT
I'll attempt to give a narrow phonetic transcription of how the tongue twister would come out in an Australian accent. Note, though it occurs regularly in Aussie English, I'm ignoring the flapping of the "t".
We can't use the IPA here. One option is to use an ASCII transcription like X-SAMPA but there are some IPA characters that can be typed here which aren't included in X-SAMPA. So, instead of using X-SAMPA ,I'm using my own system (which is closer to the IPA).
I'm using "š" for the voiceless palatoalveolar fricative (so "shed" is transcribed as [šed]). All other consonants in the transcription below are as they are in the IPA.
For the vowels I'm using the symbols in the chart that I've posted above. Each symbol corresponds to the IPA symbol in the corresponding position on the IPA vowel chart.
We can't use the IPA here. One option is to use an ASCII transcription like X-SAMPA but there are some IPA characters that can be typed here which aren't included in X-SAMPA. So, instead of using X-SAMPA ,I'm using my own system (which is closer to the IPA).
I'm using "š" for the voiceless palatoalveolar fricative (so "shed" is transcribed as [šed]). All other consonants in the transcription below are as they are in the IPA.
For the vowels I'm using the symbols in the chart that I've posted above. Each symbol corresponds to the IPA symbol in the corresponding position on the IPA vowel chart.