Monday, October 25, 2004, 03:17 GMT
Mxsmanic makes these pronouncements with naught but the flimsiest scrap of fuzzy logic to support them.
"Vowel length is not phonemic in standard English, and so speakers of standard English ignore it; if they didn't, it would be much harder for them to communicate."
There is no logic here: none whatsoever. These speakers of Mxsmanic's "standard English" ignore vowel length, do they? At least Mxsmanic is not ignorant enough to fail to acknowledge that there are long vowel and short vowel (in most dialects).
Short vowels and long vowels exist in the speech of almost every native speaker. For them to exist they must be registered as either long or short, conciously or subconciously. Were vowel length really ignored, as Mxsmanic insists, how do you explain the persistence of this distinction?
Speakers of most English dialects don't ignore vowel length: if they did, surely the distinction would cease to be made. It is not ignored (in most dialects) but used consistently to help distinguish one vowel from the next. Far from making it harder to comunicate, the use of vowel length can only assist in the distinguishing of one vowel from another.
What I see as being closer to the truth is this. Both length and position help distinguish one phoneme from another. Maintaining the distinction between long and short vowels makes it easier for English speakers to communicate. Because of its usefulness the distinction between long and short vowels continues to be made by most English speakers.
"Speaking a language efficiently requires not only recognizing the phonemes but also ignoring anything that isn't phonemic." writes Mxsmanic. No, ignore the useful at your peril. Eye contact is not phonemic, do we ignore that? Such things as the distinction between long and short vowels may not be phonemic (in all dialects) but if they are useful, it's worth using them.
"It's not a matter of 'fine tuning,' it's a matter of distinguishing between phonemic and non-phonemic." writes Mxsmanic. What is he writing about here? Aussies are "finely tuned" for vowel length because it is phonemic in AusE. That's what I took Mick to have meant.
"If vowel length is phonemic for you, you are speaking a regional dialect of some type;" this is absolutely true, I don't deny this. However, we can equally say "If vowel length is not phonemic for you, you are speaking a regional dialect of some type." Everyone speaks a regional dialect of some type. The American midwest and the southeast of England are no less regions of the World than is Australia.
"If vowel length is phonemic for you, ... you can safely assume that there will be quite a few words that will be incomprehensible for you in standard English, or vice versa, when pronounced in isolation (because of conflicting sets of phonemes)."
Why do I get uneasy when Mxsmanic tells me I can safely assume something? I guess it might have to do with the great may unsafe assumptions we've seen him make so far. Assumptions like "Using conflicting sets of phonemes leads necessarily to incomprehensibly." Nonsense, when I hear an American say "possible" I don't think they're saying "passable".
This particular "safe" assumption of Mxsmanic's may be safe in the case of some fella living in a humpy out the back of Bourke who's never heard of electricity but it's time someone wake up and come back to the real World. Even Aussies (for whom vowel length is phonemic) have heard these accents which Mxsmanic likes to label "standard". We do listen to the wireless from time to time.
"In standard pronunciations of English, vowel length is not phonemic. If vowel length is phonemic for you, you are not using a standard English pronunciation. It's as simple as that."
He keeps harping on this notion of "standard English" is if it were all that need be bothered with. I'm not so much interested in Mxsmanic's standard English; I'd much rather discuss English.
Vowel length is phonemic in Australian and New Zealand English. Whether Mxsmanic sees fit to deem our English to be "standard" is of little interest to me. Where vowel length is not phonemic it is still important. It's definitely worth sparing the twenty minutes alerting ESL students to this distinction that (almost?) all of us make.
"Vowel length is not phonemic in standard English, and so speakers of standard English ignore it; if they didn't, it would be much harder for them to communicate."
There is no logic here: none whatsoever. These speakers of Mxsmanic's "standard English" ignore vowel length, do they? At least Mxsmanic is not ignorant enough to fail to acknowledge that there are long vowel and short vowel (in most dialects).
Short vowels and long vowels exist in the speech of almost every native speaker. For them to exist they must be registered as either long or short, conciously or subconciously. Were vowel length really ignored, as Mxsmanic insists, how do you explain the persistence of this distinction?
Speakers of most English dialects don't ignore vowel length: if they did, surely the distinction would cease to be made. It is not ignored (in most dialects) but used consistently to help distinguish one vowel from the next. Far from making it harder to comunicate, the use of vowel length can only assist in the distinguishing of one vowel from another.
What I see as being closer to the truth is this. Both length and position help distinguish one phoneme from another. Maintaining the distinction between long and short vowels makes it easier for English speakers to communicate. Because of its usefulness the distinction between long and short vowels continues to be made by most English speakers.
"Speaking a language efficiently requires not only recognizing the phonemes but also ignoring anything that isn't phonemic." writes Mxsmanic. No, ignore the useful at your peril. Eye contact is not phonemic, do we ignore that? Such things as the distinction between long and short vowels may not be phonemic (in all dialects) but if they are useful, it's worth using them.
"It's not a matter of 'fine tuning,' it's a matter of distinguishing between phonemic and non-phonemic." writes Mxsmanic. What is he writing about here? Aussies are "finely tuned" for vowel length because it is phonemic in AusE. That's what I took Mick to have meant.
"If vowel length is phonemic for you, you are speaking a regional dialect of some type;" this is absolutely true, I don't deny this. However, we can equally say "If vowel length is not phonemic for you, you are speaking a regional dialect of some type." Everyone speaks a regional dialect of some type. The American midwest and the southeast of England are no less regions of the World than is Australia.
"If vowel length is phonemic for you, ... you can safely assume that there will be quite a few words that will be incomprehensible for you in standard English, or vice versa, when pronounced in isolation (because of conflicting sets of phonemes)."
Why do I get uneasy when Mxsmanic tells me I can safely assume something? I guess it might have to do with the great may unsafe assumptions we've seen him make so far. Assumptions like "Using conflicting sets of phonemes leads necessarily to incomprehensibly." Nonsense, when I hear an American say "possible" I don't think they're saying "passable".
This particular "safe" assumption of Mxsmanic's may be safe in the case of some fella living in a humpy out the back of Bourke who's never heard of electricity but it's time someone wake up and come back to the real World. Even Aussies (for whom vowel length is phonemic) have heard these accents which Mxsmanic likes to label "standard". We do listen to the wireless from time to time.
"In standard pronunciations of English, vowel length is not phonemic. If vowel length is phonemic for you, you are not using a standard English pronunciation. It's as simple as that."
He keeps harping on this notion of "standard English" is if it were all that need be bothered with. I'm not so much interested in Mxsmanic's standard English; I'd much rather discuss English.
Vowel length is phonemic in Australian and New Zealand English. Whether Mxsmanic sees fit to deem our English to be "standard" is of little interest to me. Where vowel length is not phonemic it is still important. It's definitely worth sparing the twenty minutes alerting ESL students to this distinction that (almost?) all of us make.