Russian Pronunciation: Prestuplenie i Nakazanie

Sparrow Darwood   Friday, November 12, 2004, 23:57 GMT
To all Russians on Antimoon...

Zdrastvuite! I salute you! Could I ask you a few questions concerning the pronunciation of "Prestuplenie i Nakazanie" and the names of a number of characters in the book?

I am currently learning Russian and I can pronounce phonetic Russian words quite well (so you WON'T need to give me IPA transcriptions), but I would like to clarify stress and vowel subtleties...

Where do stresses fall in "Prestuplenie i Nakazanie"? Also, is the last vowel in "Prestuplenie" and "Nakazanie" pronounced "YE" or "I"?

Could you please tell me where the stresses fall on the following names? I can pronounce them all right, but I may be stressing the wrong syllables.
- Rodion Romanovich Raskolnikov, Rodya, Rodka
- Sofya Semyonovna Marmeladov, Sonya, Sonechka
- Avdotya Romanovna Raskolnikov, Dunya, Dunechka (Avdotya...such a pretty name)
- Arkady Ivanovich Svidrigailov
- Dmitri Prokofych Razumikhin
- Katerina Ivanovna Marmeladov
- Porfiry Petrovich
- Semyon Zakharovich Marmeladov
- Pulcheria Alexandrovna Raskolnikov
- Pyotr Petrovich Luzhin
- Andrei Semyonovich Lebezyatnikov
- Alyona Ivanovna
- Lizaveta Ivanovna
- Zossimov
- Nastasya Petrovna, Nastenka, Nastasyushka
- Ilya Petrovich
- Alexander Grigorievich Zamyotov
- Nikolai Dementiev, Mikolka
- Polina Mikhailovna Marmeladov, Polya, Polenka, Polechka

Spasibo bolshoe!
Sparrow Darwood
Ed   Saturday, November 13, 2004, 04:08 GMT
I'm a Bulgarian speaker so I'm not 100% sure what I'm about to tell you is accurate but I think it is.
PrestuplEnie i NakazAnie - I capitalized the places where I think the stress falls.
"ie" at the end of both words is pronounced as "ie"

I'm not sure about the names, so I'll leave them to an actual Russian speaker ;-)
Galiya   Saturday, November 13, 2004, 08:01 GMT
Hello, Sparrow Darwood!
i'm a Russian, so i can help you with pleasure.
First, Ed offered you the right variant of pronounciation of the book's name.
And now all these names:
- Rodi_O_n Rom_A_novich Rask_O_lnikov, R_O_dya, R_O_dka /the last name should be pronounced like [Rod'ka], where ' is for saying sound D a bit softer/
- S_O_fya Sem_YO_novna Marmel_A_dov(!)a(!), S_O_nya, S_O_nechka
- Avd_O_tya Rom_A_novna Rask_O_lnikov(!)a(!), D_U_nya, D_U_nechka (Avdotya...such a pretty name)
- Ark_A_dy Iv_A_novich Svidrig_A_ilov
- Dm_I_tri Prok_O_fych Razum_I_khin
- Kater_I_na Iv_A_novna Marmel_A_dov(!)a(!)
- Porf_I_ry Petr_O_vich
- Sem_YO_on Zakh_A_rovich Marmel_A_dov
- Pulch_E_ria Alex_A_ndrovna Rask_O_lnikov(!)a(!)
- P_YO_tr Petr_O_vich L_U_zhin
- Andr_EI Sem_YO_novich Lebez_YA_tnikov
- Al_YO_na Iv_A_novna
- Lizav_E_ta Iv_A_novna
- Z_O_ssimov
- Nast_A_sya Petr_O_vna, N_A_stenka, Nast_A_syushka
- Il_YA Petr_O_vich
- Alex_A_nder Grig_O_rievich Zam_YO_tov
- Nikol_AI Dem_E_ntiev, Mik_O_lka
- Pol_I_na Mikh_AI_lovna Marmel_A_dov(!)a(!), P_O_lya, P_O_lenka, P_O_lechka

i write you (!)a(!) = this is female's name, so in russian you usually put 'a' at the end. for example Rodion Raskolnikov, but Pulcheria Raskolnikova.

Hope it'll help you :)
Good luck in reading.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate - write me to galiyashka*at*

Best wishes
Sparrow Darwood   Sunday, November 14, 2004, 06:49 GMT
Spaseeba boshoe, Galiya!
Thank you ever so much!

Russian is such a pretty language. Apparently, I am currently reading an English translation of Prestuplenie i Nakazanie but I will definitely read the original version once (if ever) I master the Russian language.
Malgosia   Sunday, November 14, 2004, 19:05 GMT

...oh yesss :))), "Prestuplenie i Nakazanie " is such an interesting book, it's really great, anyway one of my favourite and ur right -Sparrow Darwood- it's good to read original version; don't afraid about Russian, it's a kind of nice language, I bet u will master the ability to speak it, sooner or later ;)...

garans   Sunday, November 14, 2004, 19:33 GMT
Being Russian myself I'd say that this book is not easy and is more philosophical than real.

People are well mastered but far from Russian reality.
I think that an ordinary Russian differs from those people. They are noble-writer pictured.

And this book is very big and sometimes boring, sometimes ill-mind inspired. (Forgive me, Feodor Michailovich).

But...nevertheless it is interesting.
Malgosia   Sunday, November 14, 2004, 20:06 GMT

"I'd say that this book is not easy and is more philosophical than real" - that's why it's so interesting ;)... when I was reading " Zbrodnie i Kare" ( it's Polish name for "Prestuplenie i Nakazanie " ) at first time, could notice different levels of this book, guess should be read this way ;)...
Maggie   Sunday, November 14, 2004, 20:31 GMT
I remember rather vividly reading the book at the age of 14, and it nearly drove me crazy...;) Since that time I've read almost all books by Dostoyevsky, and they are all both gripping and maddening. Kind of make you analyze yourself and everything around you. Never tried to read Dostoyevsky in English, though, perhaps Dostoyevsky doesn't give the same impression being read in a language different from Russian.
Ed   Sunday, November 14, 2004, 23:56 GMT
Back in my hometown in Bulgaria, four apartament buildings in the neighborhood were named after Russian authors. Mine was called Nekrassoff, and the other three were Dostoyevsky, Lermontov, and Pushkin :-P
Maggie   Monday, November 15, 2004, 12:27 GMT
Funny;) As far as I'm concerned, though, Tolstoy deserves much taller building than Nekrassoff. Or perhaps not taller but broader as his books are so fat;)
Ed   Monday, November 15, 2004, 15:35 GMT
I know for a fact that there's a whole neighborhood in the capital named after Tolstoy ;-)
Val   Tuesday, November 16, 2004, 09:27 GMT
All the authors counted really deserve the honours mentioned.
The names are stones Russian literature is based on. Hard to say who’s brought less impact into word treasure of the Russian language.
Indeed, people read for thought in former times, now they read mostly to be entertained.