Arabic is an important tool for research on acient World

kawaii   Tue Mar 11, 2008 1:47 pm GMT
Latin is the tool for research on acient Europa, Chinese is is the tool for research on acient Asia, therefore Arabic is the bridge to connect acient Europe and acient Asia.

That is why I think Arabic is important for research on the history of acient world.
Guest   Tue Mar 11, 2008 2:24 pm GMT
I agree.
Guest   Tue Mar 11, 2008 3:33 pm GMT
thanks to destroy ancients cultures
Guest   Tue Mar 11, 2008 4:38 pm GMT
"thanks to destroy ancients cultures "

For your information, Afghanistan doesn't speak Arabic.
The majority speaks an I.E. language (Farsi).

Think twice before making an ass of yourself.
Nextel   Wed Mar 12, 2008 7:36 am GMT
to be more exact Classic Chinese?
Guest   Wed Mar 12, 2008 11:01 am GMT
<<Think twice before making an ass of yourself>>

No! Think you twice before making an ass of yourself stupid!!!

Only Arabic? ok only arabic

The Final Destruction of Babylon

Arab Racism And Imperialism In Sudan

"Arabs are Caucasians whose racism and religious imperialism is responsible for the destruction of African civilizations"

Iranian Culture in Central Asia

"A new menace for Central Asia was represented by the Arabs who were ruled at the time by the Omayad Dynasty (661-750 A.D.). Since 715, the Arabs had been trying to conquer Sogdiana without the intervention of the Chinese army. Only the Tibetans (circa 630-846 A.D.) and the Eastern Turks of Mongolia (683-734 A.D.) helped the Sogdians. But in the end the Arabs won, thanks to the skill of the Governor of Khorassan, Qutayba ibn-Muslim."

How the Jihadis vandalized this ancient land and wiped out Christianity as well as the ancient culture of Egypt

"Scholars have differed in views on how the ancient library of Alexandria was destroyed. However, recent research by Luciano Canfora concluded that the Arab general Amr at the orders of the Arab Caliph Umar did the heinous deed of destruction of the library.

The story of the Arabs destruction of the library indicates that it took them six months to burn the books in about one thousand public baths in Alexandria.

This was a shameful act on part of the unlettered Arabs, whose Islamic mentality told them that no other book need now exist, as the Quran contained all that they needed! This was the justification of the barefooted and lizard-eating Arab Muslims for burning down all libraries, not just in Egypt but also in Syria (Damascus), Persia (where they burned the royal Zoroastrian library at Ctesiphon), Spain, India (where they burned the Buddhist university of Nalanda). The burning of libraries was one of the most heinous of the many Muslim crimes against humanity."
Guest   Wed Mar 12, 2008 11:49 am GMT
The American uniformed cowards have been far more efficient in destroying pre-Semitic archeological sites in Iraq.

And the Baghdad museums with their priceless treasures have been throughly looted under supervision of the worthless U.S. mercenaries sent by the Israeli warmongers while American taxpayers are more and more being indebted for paying the bill.

*   Wed Mar 12, 2008 11:53 am GMT
It's time to play the music,
It's time to lock the thread...

<music from Muppet Show>
greg   Wed Mar 12, 2008 3:39 pm GMT
kawaii : « Latin is the tool for research on acient Europa [...] ».

C'est sûr. Mais le grec et l'arabe sont tout aussi fondamentaux.

kawaii : « [...] Arabic is the bridge to connect acient Europe and acient Asia. »

C'est sûr. La diffusion géographique de l'arabe lui confère une immense richesse littéraire. Pour s'en rendre compte, il suffit de lire les œuvres de voyageurs et géographes tels que al-Idrissi, ibn-Battouta & ibn-Khaldoun, tous trois Maghrébins.

kawaii : « That is why I think Arabic is important for research on the history of acient world. »

Absolument ! L'arabe fait aussi partie de l'héritage intellectuel européen. Et c'est une grande chance que de nos jours le monde arabe et le monde européen continuent à se cotoyer au nord et au sud de la Méditerranée.
your god is not great   Wed Mar 12, 2008 3:53 pm GMT
I agree that it's too bad that the arabs with their militant religion wiped away the old cultures of Africa, Mid-East and Persia to spread their ideas. Countries like Egypt and Persia were great civilizations before islam. They had interesting mythology, culture and advances in science. After islam it was all allah, mohammed, koran (much as it is now). Imagine how much greater they could have been. At least they were prevented from conquering Europe for the most part. People speak negatively about the European (christian) aggression and empires, but the Arabs and Ottomans (muslims) were doing this before the Euros.

So anyway about arabic...
Skippy   Wed Mar 12, 2008 10:37 pm GMT
Greek seems to be much more useful bridging Europe with the east, or Sanskrit... The Muslims took most of their historical contributions from those of the Greeks and the Assyrians...
K. T.   Wed Mar 12, 2008 11:48 pm GMT
I'm just getting acquainted with Arabic. I'm more interested in Greek and Hebrew. It seems fairly often that someone writes here that learning Arabic is useless because the varieties are not mutally intelligible. That's a real enthusiam killer in my book.
K. T.   Wed Mar 12, 2008 11:53 pm GMT
"C'est sûr. La diffusion géographique de l'arabe lui confère une immense richesse littéraire. Pour s'en rendre compte, il suffit de lire les œuvres de voyageurs et géographes tels que al-Idrissi, ibn-Battouta & ibn-Khaldoun, tous trois Maghrébins."

So, do you also speak Arabic? I don't remember you joining in with enthusiasm when the topic has come up here. If you live in France, you will have plenty of opportunities to use it. It's taught free in some Mosques, I think.
huesped   Thu Mar 13, 2008 12:13 am GMT
<< learning Arabic is useless because the varieties are not mutally intelligible. >>

I looked into studying it but that turned me off as well. I have a few acquaintences from the Mid-East who told me that it is difficult to understand the different regional dialects and also that they prefer not to use MSA. The problem is that Arabic is a macro-language with no dominate dialect, and MSA is not a native tounge.
Francarabia   Thu Mar 13, 2008 12:19 am GMT
<< If you live in France, you will have plenty of opportunities to use it. >>

Yeah, it's a shame that one of the most important places in western civilization has come to be the European nation with the largest number of Arabic speakers and muslims. Perhaps French speakers here shouldn't always be fighting about Spanish when Arabic is more of a threat to their homeland. That's what you get for ultra-liberal multiculturalism and a lax immigration policy.