To all those to whom Easter means something other than chocolate eggs and simnel cake!:
Featured on BBC1-TV Songs of Praise on Easter Sunday, 2007
Recorded in Lichfield Cathedral, Staffordshire, England. The cathedral at Lichfield is magnificent, with imposing spires dominating the city and surrounding countryside. The city was the birthplace of one of the world's greatest lexicographers - a great lover of the English Language and its construction - Dr Samuel Johnson. 1709-1784. Not only did he love the written word, but the spoken word also, and he was one of the most brilliant of conversationalists of the English Language. All his works deal with the beauties and intricacies of English in quite some style.
It was inevitable that his fame and fortune drew him away from Lichfield, and he lived out his life in London, a city he adored. One of his most well remembered sayings relates to London:
"When one is tired of London, one is tired of life".
Pob bendith y Pasg i chwi oll. Blessings of Easter to all.
Featured on BBC1-TV Songs of Praise on Easter Sunday, 2007
Recorded in Lichfield Cathedral, Staffordshire, England. The cathedral at Lichfield is magnificent, with imposing spires dominating the city and surrounding countryside. The city was the birthplace of one of the world's greatest lexicographers - a great lover of the English Language and its construction - Dr Samuel Johnson. 1709-1784. Not only did he love the written word, but the spoken word also, and he was one of the most brilliant of conversationalists of the English Language. All his works deal with the beauties and intricacies of English in quite some style.
It was inevitable that his fame and fortune drew him away from Lichfield, and he lived out his life in London, a city he adored. One of his most well remembered sayings relates to London:
"When one is tired of London, one is tired of life".
Pob bendith y Pasg i chwi oll. Blessings of Easter to all.