We all are racists as humans blame it on human nature or whatever but some nationals are more so. And there has been a consistent trend for this. Mostly these people come from well developed nations. So I think superiority comnples breeds more germs of racism and bigotry in human blood. Am I right?
Do Californians have an accent?
No disrespect luv - but your question is simply one of the most ridiculous I have ever heard. Are you having a laugh??
You sound as if you assume California is the centre of the planet and so everything there is neutral. As if, your Californian voice is the standard, thereby every 'other' voice is different from the norm. How could you come to this conclusion?? I'll only accept that you are 10 or under.
It's tantamount to me, a young lad from Essex, saying "I have no accent, why do you"???
Being from the other side of the pond your accent would be virtually alien to me (although I'm certain it sounds very nice).
So YES you DO have an accent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You sound as if you assume California is the centre of the planet and so everything there is neutral. As if, your Californian voice is the standard, thereby every 'other' voice is different from the norm. How could you come to this conclusion?? I'll only accept that you are 10 or under.
It's tantamount to me, a young lad from Essex, saying "I have no accent, why do you"???
Being from the other side of the pond your accent would be virtually alien to me (although I'm certain it sounds very nice).
So YES you DO have an accent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You're not "racist" against other racists, Guest, you're racist against Germans because you, for whatever reason, think they're all bigots. Racism takes on the realization of focusing on negative (or sometimes even positive) general traits of a race. Believing all Germans are racists IS racist, just like believing Arabs are terrorists or Mexicans or lazy (or even believing that all Asians are good at math or something) those are all manifestations of racism. You're a racist.
Racism is not that bad. People exaggerate a lot. That you have a few prejudices here and there does not mean that you want to kill all blacks or something like that.
And in that sense racism gets a bum semantical rap because people think it only includes a desire for genocide. Racism can also include feelings of racial superiority (which doesn't necessarily include genocide). The boundaries are fuzzy, but I do think referring to Germans as genetically inclined to hate everyone else is racist. Whereas prejudiced would simply not enjoying the company of Germans.
You defend Germans because you are (unfortunately) of German origin. If you said the truth and you are from german and scottish heritage you have to hate the f**ing anglos because they perpetuated racism against scottish, itish and german people. I am racist against germans not because I think they are bigots but because they are violent racist and stupid. I am not talking about ideas but real facts. Saying that Mexicans are lazy is an idiot stereotype, saying that Arabs are terrorists is a stereotype. Saying that the 90% of germans are more or less racist IS NOT.
Obviously there are exceptions, but they cant be the rule. I think they suffer from a very dangerous complex of inferiority towards other Europeans and as a result they often become very dangerous.
Obviously there are exceptions, but they cant be the rule. I think they suffer from a very dangerous complex of inferiority towards other Europeans and as a result they often become very dangerous.
>>You defend Germans because you are (unfortunately) of German origin. If you said the truth and you are from german and scottish heritage you have to hate the f**ing anglos because they perpetuated racism against scottish, itish and german people. I am racist against germans not because I think they are bigots but because they are violent racist and stupid. I am not talking about ideas but real facts. Saying that Mexicans are lazy is an idiot stereotype, saying that Arabs are terrorists is a stereotype. Saying that the 90% of germans are more or less racist IS NOT.
Obviously there are exceptions, but they cant be the rule. I think they suffer from a very dangerous complex of inferiority towards other Europeans and as a result they often become very dangerous.<<
WTF? You do realize that at the time of Nazi Germany, antisemitism was quite prevalent throughout Europe as a whole, and was not limited to Germany at all; it is just Germany where the Nazis came to power and set the chain of events which led to genocide into motion. Germans as a whole were no more racist than any other Europeans of the time.
Furthermore, to say that people in North America today who have German ancestors are somehow racist just because of such is nothing but racist, just like saying that people with Jewish ancestors are genetically inclined to become usurers is racist. And even if you say that they brought elements of German culture with them from Europe, you have to realize that in reality, before the rise of the Nazis, Germany was not particularly antisemitic for the time compared to the rest of Europe (especially when compared with areas like the Russian Empire).
As for hating Anglos, since when do ethnic Germans in the US in general specifically hate people of English descent? Yes, there may be some resentment towards sentiments which imply that American culture is effectively equivalent to English culture, as that effectively denies the impact of other groups upon American culture, but that in no way equates racism against people of English descent!
Obviously there are exceptions, but they cant be the rule. I think they suffer from a very dangerous complex of inferiority towards other Europeans and as a result they often become very dangerous.<<
WTF? You do realize that at the time of Nazi Germany, antisemitism was quite prevalent throughout Europe as a whole, and was not limited to Germany at all; it is just Germany where the Nazis came to power and set the chain of events which led to genocide into motion. Germans as a whole were no more racist than any other Europeans of the time.
Furthermore, to say that people in North America today who have German ancestors are somehow racist just because of such is nothing but racist, just like saying that people with Jewish ancestors are genetically inclined to become usurers is racist. And even if you say that they brought elements of German culture with them from Europe, you have to realize that in reality, before the rise of the Nazis, Germany was not particularly antisemitic for the time compared to the rest of Europe (especially when compared with areas like the Russian Empire).
As for hating Anglos, since when do ethnic Germans in the US in general specifically hate people of English descent? Yes, there may be some resentment towards sentiments which imply that American culture is effectively equivalent to English culture, as that effectively denies the impact of other groups upon American culture, but that in no way equates racism against people of English descent!
Even today, antisemitism is prevalent throughout Europe, but that doesn't mean Europeans are racists. I don't hate the English, even though they may have done all sorts of things to my ancestors (though, let's be serious, being an American of Scots ancestry, there's bound to be a significant amount of English in me). The Germans have been fervently anti-war since World War II. Judging from my own experience in Germany, they are absolutely NOT racist. You are making sweeping generalizations that are far from true. Why would you even think that about the Germans? You must have been attacked by a German as a child, otherwise there's no reason for you to think such things. There's certainly no logical reason.
To skippy : « I am racist against germans not because I think they are bigots but because they are violent racist and stupid. I am not talking about ideas but real facts. Saying that Mexicans are lazy is an idiot stereotype, saying that Arabs are terrorists is a stereotype. Saying that the 90% of germans are more or less racist IS NOT. »
Il est effarant de constater qu'un raciste autoproclamé ose affirmer qu'il n'est pas raciste d'accuser de racisme un peuple entier (ou presque, puisque 10 % des Allemands sont généreusement épargnés...). Heureusement, ta sottise atténue tes propos hideux. Tu devrais réfléchir à ce que tu viens d'écrire car c'est inacceptable.
D'autre part on trouve des gens « plus ou moins racistes » (je suppose, à te lire, que tu fais partie des "plus racistes" plutôt que des "moins racistes") un peu partout sur Terre : en bas de chez soi comme à l'autre bout du monde. C'est-à-dire en France, en Allemagne, aux États-Unis, en Espagne, au Japon, en Algérie, en Israël, en Russie, au Mexique, en Australie, au Chili, en Côte-d'Ivoire, en Chine, à Doubaï, en Inde (etc) → c'est malheureusement aussi répandu que l'ignorance, le pétrole et la misère.
Travis : « You do realize that at the time of Nazi Germany, antisemitism was quite prevalent throughout Europe as a whole, and was not limited to Germany at all; it is just Germany where the Nazis came to power and set the chain of events which led to genocide into motion. Germans as a whole were no more racist than any other Europeans of the time. »
Skippy : « Even today, antisemitism is prevalent throughout Europe, but that doesn't mean Europeans are racists. »
Sans oublier l'antisémitisme des États-Unis d'avant-guerre et les délires eugénistes de cette époque. Ni la négrophobie multiséculaire, ni l'hystérie antijaponaise des années 40, ni la sinophobie de longue date, ni le racisme anti-pauvres, ni la chasse aux socialistes et autres communistes, ni l'horreur qu'inspire encore l'athéisme militant, ni bien sûr l'hispanophobie et l'islamophobie (larvées ou déclarées) etc.
Il est effarant de constater qu'un raciste autoproclamé ose affirmer qu'il n'est pas raciste d'accuser de racisme un peuple entier (ou presque, puisque 10 % des Allemands sont généreusement épargnés...). Heureusement, ta sottise atténue tes propos hideux. Tu devrais réfléchir à ce que tu viens d'écrire car c'est inacceptable.
D'autre part on trouve des gens « plus ou moins racistes » (je suppose, à te lire, que tu fais partie des "plus racistes" plutôt que des "moins racistes") un peu partout sur Terre : en bas de chez soi comme à l'autre bout du monde. C'est-à-dire en France, en Allemagne, aux États-Unis, en Espagne, au Japon, en Algérie, en Israël, en Russie, au Mexique, en Australie, au Chili, en Côte-d'Ivoire, en Chine, à Doubaï, en Inde (etc) → c'est malheureusement aussi répandu que l'ignorance, le pétrole et la misère.
Travis : « You do realize that at the time of Nazi Germany, antisemitism was quite prevalent throughout Europe as a whole, and was not limited to Germany at all; it is just Germany where the Nazis came to power and set the chain of events which led to genocide into motion. Germans as a whole were no more racist than any other Europeans of the time. »
Skippy : « Even today, antisemitism is prevalent throughout Europe, but that doesn't mean Europeans are racists. »
Sans oublier l'antisémitisme des États-Unis d'avant-guerre et les délires eugénistes de cette époque. Ni la négrophobie multiséculaire, ni l'hystérie antijaponaise des années 40, ni la sinophobie de longue date, ni le racisme anti-pauvres, ni la chasse aux socialistes et autres communistes, ni l'horreur qu'inspire encore l'athéisme militant, ni bien sûr l'hispanophobie et l'islamophobie (larvées ou déclarées) etc.
I'm not racist but sincerely I think that the Germans are genetically inclined to practice genocides, because otherwise one can't explain what happened during the WWII. It's not a question of racism , because if I were racist I would never ever think about killing millions of people just because they belong to another race. In fact those inferior races must keep on existing for a racist to feel superior. It is well known by scientists that some diseases are influenced by genes which differ in frequency between groups (call these races or not), such as sickle-cell anemia, which occurs overwhelmingly among some black populations. In the same way that black people suffer from this disease more than other groups, I think that the Germans are prone to suffer from mental "diseases" like psychopathy which make them unable to feel empathy towards different people, not to mention completely different groups. Who knows, maybe in terms of evolution the gene responsible for this collective behaviour plays an important role allowing those individuals who carry them to exterminate rival groups without compassion. In the end the Germanic people were biologically very successful through History and now they are spread around the world. Skippy is a good example.
Even more, I'm so sure that what I think is true and considering that most of the US populations has German ancestry , later os sooner, there will be a giantic ethnic cleansing in US comparable to the Holocaust in Germany.
Juan, Americans are really arrogant by nature. Does it relate to German ancestry and such?
I mean, they also love wars, blood, human sufferings and nothing gets to them. They have got no emotions. How is it possible?
I mean, they also love wars, blood, human sufferings and nothing gets to them. They have got no emotions. How is it possible?