Whats your favorite Germanic language?
If you are a native speker to a Germanic language then you have to say an other language than your own!
I should say Norwegian because they speak so funny otherwise I think I say Dutch, because I suppose they have a more simpel grammar than German.
German - I may study it in the future. In a lot of respects it seems to be the central language of this important language family.
I say Swahili because I don't speak it.
I would have to say Low Saxon here.
As for German, the main thing is that while the grammar of standard Hochdeutsch is conservative, it is actually phonologically rather innovative as West Germanic languages go, especially when compared with the likes of Low Saxon. German truly is not close to the barycenter of the Germanic languages, but is rather distanced from it; if one had to choose a language which was as close as possible to such, it would probably be Low Saxon.
Afrikaans is the purest and most beautiful of the Germanic languages. What Dutch will sound like in 100 years time.
Owh ... I don't think so my dear Afrikandervolkswag member.
The matter of England's disruption (along with France) of the annual bullion-run by the Spanish treasure fleet from Peru and Mexico to the port of Seville in Spain was of critical importance to Philip. The Spanish were also vexed by the matter of England's direct interference in the revolt against Spanish rule in the Netherlands. The purpose of the armada expedition was to put a stop to these matters, whether by invasion of England or by the credible threat of such invasion.
England had, with circumspection, joined the Eighty Years' War on the side of the Dutch Protestant United Provinces, led in revolt against Spain by William I of Orange. Their territory was roughly the modern provinces of Friesland, North and South Holland and Utrecht. A small English force had been sent to The Netherlands in their support and was present at the Battle of Zutphen in 1586.
On 29 July 1587, Pope Sixtus V granted Papal authority to overthrow Elizabeth, who had been declared a heretic by Pope Pius V, and place whomever he chose on the throne of England. Pope Sixtus had promised a contribution of a million gold crowns towards the expenses of the armada, but when he saw to what end it had come, he refused to pay a single ducat. In vain Phillip urged that the Pope had instigated him to the attempt, that the expedition had been undertaken in the sacred cause of the church, and that the loss ought to be borne mutually. Sixtus would not hear him. He could not be expected, he said, to give a million of money for an Armada which had accomplished nothing, and was now at the bottom of the sea.
Poor Netherlands...
WTF was that from??? 'Guest'??
I would say the North European langauges (excuding Danish) to me are the nicest sounding Germanic languages. German and Dutch to me sound harsh and Danish but not as harsh as their Southern neighbours.
All Germanic languages sound horrible and shity - The Dutch is the uglyest after that is German. English is not Germanic it is mixed with the advanced language of French mixed with the caveman English language.
Viva la France!!
I like French better than all Germanic languages yes? This is stupid and a waste of time. The Holland people are stupid and ugly yes?
What is that crap all about, Sander?????
Ma langue germanique préférée est l'allemand.