Pero no hay libertad bajo el sol. Todos debemos saberlo y reconocerlo. Si no es el gobierno lo que nos oprime, hay otros males que puede reemplazarlo. No hay nada que celebrar. Estar libre! Qué estupidez, qué ilusión! Estáis libre de la opresión de parte del gobierno pero no estáis libre de windows vista. Y en lo que respecta a esto, no hay remedio bajo el sol.
California vuelve a ser mexicana, gracias al vodka
So have I to learn Spanish if I visit California?
Well, if you want to understand 33% of Californian population, yes. If you want only understand 55% (English speakers), no. It depends on your point of view.
Well, if you want to understand 33% of Californian population, yes. If you want only understand 55% (English speakers), no. It depends on your point of view.
You absolutely DO NOT have to learn Spanish if you visit California. I lived in California for four years and the only time I had to use Spanish was when I'd go to Mexico.
You absolutely DO NOT have to learn Spanish if you visit California. I lived in California for four years and the only time I had to use Spanish was when I'd go to Mexico.
That means that California needs more millions of Hispanics, 15 or 20 perhaps.
That means that California needs more millions of Hispanics, 15 or 20 perhaps.
If you live in California you absolutely do have to learn English. There are large Spanish-speaking populations, but by the time the second generation is born in America they are speaking more English than Spanish (except, of course, with their grandparents who, often, never bother to learn English).
Yes, they end up learning English. The fear towards the Hispanics , as consequence, is totally unfounded. They can come to US in large numbers without representing a threat to the dominance of English.
It's interesting, I didn't think people need to learn Spanish to go to California.
It's better that I start learning it, I'd like to come next year
It's better that I start learning it, I'd like to come next year
">By the way, Domine, your misconceptions about the United States and its history are so great that I don't know where to begin. It's as if the United States is the only country with problems. Unbelievable.<"
I have this effect on dim-witted people. hehe. The U.S. starts a lot of problems around the world whether on purpose or unknowningly - why the heck do you think Ron Paul (a republican) say we should leave other countries be. The reason the U.S. cannot is because it is a imperalistic country thus needs to put other countries on check. So much for the U.N. and NATO, oh yeah, wait a minute that's also an American institution.
I have this effect on dim-witted people. hehe. The U.S. starts a lot of problems around the world whether on purpose or unknowningly - why the heck do you think Ron Paul (a republican) say we should leave other countries be. The reason the U.S. cannot is because it is a imperalistic country thus needs to put other countries on check. So much for the U.N. and NATO, oh yeah, wait a minute that's also an American institution.
">If people came here and only spoke their native tongue, we'd have a divided culture, things would be a mess. We see the problems that just a few different languages in one country can cause (Canada, Belgium, Spain), I can't imagine how bad it would be if there were dozens of different language groups fighting each other.<"
No. They would have an enriched culture & society something that Americans lack awfully much. In the end, all they really have is their music and lifestyle spread all over the world as something being contributed. And as for imperialistic and fascist country which the rest of the world knows as another reflection of the Roman Empire.
No. They would have an enriched culture & society something that Americans lack awfully much. In the end, all they really have is their music and lifestyle spread all over the world as something being contributed. And as for imperialistic and fascist country which the rest of the world knows as another reflection of the Roman Empire.
">But the rest of us normal citizens, who speak English and don't understand your language, have the right to ignore you when it comes to day-to-day interactions. Ain't freedom grand?! :)<"
The rest of you American English speakers whom don't understand foreign languages (or find no reason to learn them) have the right to at least find out why "immigrants" choose not to learn English. But...
oh yeah - I forgot. This is highly un-American therefore discrimination & uncouthness shall always be part of American society in one form or another.
The rest of you American English speakers whom don't understand foreign languages (or find no reason to learn them) have the right to at least find out why "immigrants" choose not to learn English. But...
oh yeah - I forgot. This is highly un-American therefore discrimination & uncouthness shall always be part of American society in one form or another.
"but no matter which of the three clowns ends up winning"
I don't think they're clowns, but I don't really care for any of them. They don't represent me and I'm embarassed to think that anyone would think these are the best choices. Maybe primaries should all be held on the same day.
I don't think they're clowns, but I don't really care for any of them. They don't represent me and I'm embarassed to think that anyone would think these are the best choices. Maybe primaries should all be held on the same day.
>>Yes, they end up learning English. The fear towards the Hispanics , as consequence, is totally unfounded. They can come to US in large numbers without representing a threat to the dominance of English.<<
In theory, yes. But there are other problems with unchecked immigration.
In theory, yes. But there are other problems with unchecked immigration.
>>I don't think they're clowns, but I don't really care for any of them. They don't represent me and I'm embarassed to think that anyone would think these are the best choices. Maybe primaries should all be held on the same day.<<
I agree, to some extent, about the primaries all being in one day. Although I do think that three remaining candidates leave much to be desired.
I agree, to some extent, about the primaries all being in one day. Although I do think that three remaining candidates leave much to be desired.