quite interesting, don't you think?
You may think i was rude but i stayed polite as you noticed. Sander gave us his point of view a 100times. It is all the time the same. Fine, we know his point of view, he is able to put the same post on the topic. There is enough place where he can claim it.
I would like to tell that you Sander told me i was a liar (on an other topic), because he did not agree me, that is of course his right. But he insulted me... As you noticed, i did not, i just told him if he could go away.
I'm sorry Troubadour, I have not read the other topic and if there is more to this stor., I apologize for anything I may have gotten wrong. I can only talk about what I have seen.
I actually gave my point of view only once, but I know trolls like to exaggerate.
Anyway, I wasted more than enough time on you and your pathetic posts.
"I actually gave my point of view only once, but I know trolls like to exaggerate.
Anyway, I wasted more than enough time on you and your pathetic posts."
totally agree.
unfortunately on the internet some people find acceptable to address people in a way they wouldn't use in real life. With only one moderator in this site, they can't be stopped. So when I post here, I just ignore flamewars and stick to the topic.
« L'Elenco dei contrari: pensavo che il thread non fosse interassante per nessuno. »
C'est pas grave. Ça arrive à des gens très bien. ;-)
« Ritornerò presto :) Va bene? »
Sander donne toujours le même point de vue, je l'ai déjà lu une bonne 10zaine de fois. Je ne cherche pas à enflammer la discussion. S'il n'a rien d'autre à dire, mieux vaut qu'il fasse autre chose. De plus, comme je l'ai précisé auprès de Tiffany, me faire traiter de menteur parce-que j'avais un autre point de vue que le sien ne m'a pas plu. Je pouvais l'insulter, je ne l'ai pas fait, mais je préfère m'abstenir de parler à quelqu'un qui insulte ceux qui ont des idées différentes.
Ne pas oublier que le français est une forme de latin qui a évolué.
Romanian is lexically closer to French than to Spanish. Mmmm... Interesting.