<Isn't this just an alternative to the more usual "special". >
A non-English alternative.
A non-English alternative.
Regularising the irregular
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<Isn't this just an alternative to the more usual "special". >
A non-English alternative.
Funny that non-English words are found in English dictionaries....
es·pe·cial (ĭ-spĕsh'əl) pronunciation adj. 1. Of special importance or significance; exceptional: an occasion of especial joy. 2. Relating to or directed toward a particular person, group, or purpose: called his father with especial birthday wishes; gave especial attention to the decorations. 3. Peculiar to the individual; characteristic: She has an especial fondness for mushrooms. [Middle English, from Old French, from Latin speciālis, of a kind, from speciēs, species.]
<<I suppose "especial" could have been a typo, in this case. >>
Spanglish, in that case, I'd say.
In the BNC (http://corpus.byu.edu/bnc/x.asp) special + verb comes out at 284 times per 1m words. "Especial + verb" comes out at only 1 time per 1m words.
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Results 1 - 100 of about 2,040,000 English pages for "special attention". (0.38 seconds)
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