If a guy sounds Iranian then he is definately not homosexual because there are no homosexuals in Iran.
Can we detect a homosexual from his accent?
Of course there are homosexuals in Iran.....the ones the regime there hasn't identified as such and those they have identified have been disposed of. Homosexuals exist in every human community, right across the board. Tyrannical and oppressive regimes, whether of the extreme right (eg Nazi) or the extreme left (eg Communist) throughout history, have always had a downer on gay people.
I'm thankful I live in a present day, 21st century, relatively liberal, tolerant and open minded society but it hasn't always been this way here with regard to tolerance and acceptance in law, but this country has never adopted the same methods of repression and extermination used by those regimes I mentioned.
And bearing in mind the title of this thread - no - from my accent you would never suspect.....nor from the way I walk or hold my pint glass or pot a snooker ball or chuck a dart down the pub........and I am left handed as well.
I do like musicals though.....at uni I was in the musical theatre group there and I enjoyed best our production of Sweet Charity, my fave number we did was The Rhythm of Life - so lively. Two years ago I saw an American college choir perform it at the Edinburgh Festival fringe.
On the Weakest Link on TV Anne Robinson always asks a particular guy on the team whether or not he likes musicals as a means of determining whether he is gay or not, if he hasn't already said so, as she always asks the younger guys if they have a girlfriend. Some say no but I do have a boyfriend. She would never ever guess from his accent though - unless, maybe, he comes from Brighton, but if he does come from Brighton then there's about a 3:1 chance that he is gay anyway so the red headed vixen need hardly ask about musicals in the first place.
If that ain't a clue then nothing is but lay off my accent. :-)
I'm thankful I live in a present day, 21st century, relatively liberal, tolerant and open minded society but it hasn't always been this way here with regard to tolerance and acceptance in law, but this country has never adopted the same methods of repression and extermination used by those regimes I mentioned.
And bearing in mind the title of this thread - no - from my accent you would never suspect.....nor from the way I walk or hold my pint glass or pot a snooker ball or chuck a dart down the pub........and I am left handed as well.
I do like musicals though.....at uni I was in the musical theatre group there and I enjoyed best our production of Sweet Charity, my fave number we did was The Rhythm of Life - so lively. Two years ago I saw an American college choir perform it at the Edinburgh Festival fringe.
On the Weakest Link on TV Anne Robinson always asks a particular guy on the team whether or not he likes musicals as a means of determining whether he is gay or not, if he hasn't already said so, as she always asks the younger guys if they have a girlfriend. Some say no but I do have a boyfriend. She would never ever guess from his accent though - unless, maybe, he comes from Brighton, but if he does come from Brighton then there's about a 3:1 chance that he is gay anyway so the red headed vixen need hardly ask about musicals in the first place.
If that ain't a clue then nothing is but lay off my accent. :-)
Anderson Cooper is definitely gay, and there's nothing wrong with that.
And yes, many gay men do speak with a recognizably different speech patterns. And there's nothing wrong with that either
And yes, many gay men do speak with a recognizably different speech patterns. And there's nothing wrong with that either
Anderson Cooper is the son of Gloria Vanderbilt, and a popular American journalist. He's from New York City, yet has a neutral GA accent with a slight southern sound (his father, Wyatt Cooper was from Mississippi).