Pure english
Not to mention the racism against Germans...
OHHH poor little girl. Nice to know you can only see the racism against Germans. The racism against Latins does not exist instead
<<The racism against Latins does not exist instead >>
Je n'ai jamais vu de racisme contre les Latins sur ce forum...
Poor Germans. So much racism against them. They are the real victims!
Je n'ai jamais vu de racisme contre les Latins sur ce forum...
Are you able to read?
I'm not a girl.
And yes there has been racism against the latins on this forum, but not nearly as much as I've had to read "The Germans are evil" etc.
That is not racism. It's an assertion based on facts (holocaust, etc).
I don't get why so many feel like they have to show hate against groups which aren't their preferred groups. It's not a sporting event so there's no need to take sides and there doesn't have to be one "winner."
@ greg, I noticed you addressed me on the previous page, but alas, I don't speak French. I don't trust online translators, so until I learn French (which I suppose shouldn't be too hard since I already know Spanish pretty well) may you translate what you wrote into English?
<<But "eacon" (increase), "freign" (question), "steen" (voice), "wiss" (sure, certain), "endquist" (reply, response), "neighledge" (approach), "altue" (complete, perfect, entire), "avestness" (religion), "addix" (lizard), "alieve" (allow, permit) are no less 'lieveworth' (beautiful)>>
Those words do look nice. Are they made-up Anglish words, or are they modernized words attested in Old English? I'm all for English being used to get the maximum effect from both Germanic and Romance vocabulary and bringing back words like "afterwit" (wit, especially wit used for a good comeback, that comes too late) and "wanhope" (despair). If you consider yourself an Anglishist, then you are of a type that I can respect. The Anglishists I don't like are the ones who would like to rob English of nine centuries of well entrenched vocabulary that helped great writers such as Chaucer, Shakespeare, and Shelley write the masterpieces they wrote.
>>It's an assertion based on facts...<<
In fact the most extremist and racist peoples that I know are the latin ones."Facts":
- they are the most racist here on Antimoon
- Fascism was created by Italians
- Germans are stigmatized for 12 years of national-socialism; look at latins:Italy (Mussolini:1922-1943; 21 years); Spain (Franco:1936-1975: 39 years); Portugal (1932-1974; 42 years)
- in WWII no germanic country was allied with Germany but all the latin ones were
- even Romanians are as racist as the rest of latins (see the thread "Message for Sorin..."); I think it is in latin blood to be racist; French is the only romance people who is not racist
Continuing on the matter of the last sentence of my last post, how many of you who deem yourselves Anglishists are interested in literature? Since you seem to be so against non-Germanic influence on English (and on other Germanic languages), then are you against poetry with rhyme or iambic metre? I ask because neither of those two poetic devices existed in Germanic poetry prior to influence from Romance poetry. I have many questions for the Anglishists here because there are things that make me curious but are not discussed on any page I've seen.
<<Those words do look nice. Are they made-up Anglish words, or are they modernized words attested in Old English? >>
Thank you Josh.
They are modernized words attested in Old English
eacon < éacnian
freign < frægn
steen < steven < stefn, stemn
altue < æltǽwe
<<If you consider yourself an Anglishist>>
Hmm, if I were to, I'd definitely be a new breed. But normally I just consider myself someone who loves the English language : )
In fact the most extremist and racist peoples that I know are the latin ones."Facts":
- they are the most racist here on Antimoon
- Fascism was created by Italians
- Germans are stigmatized for 12 years of national-socialism; look at latins:Italy (Mussolini:1922-1943; 21 years); Spain (Franco:1936-1975: 39 years); Portugal (1932-1974; 42 years)
- in WWII no germanic country was allied with Germany but all the latin ones were
- even Romanians are as racist as the rest of latins (see the thread "Message for Sorin..."); I think it is in latin blood to be racist; French is the only romance people who is not racist
Umm, the first one is a very weak proof and appart from that you can't tell if they are latin. I guess that they are American trolls indeed.
12 years but very intense. The Germans killed 6 millons of jews and started a war that caused 50 millions of deaths. Mussolini did not start the II WW like Hitler did, so we cannot blame him. Also Mussolini and Franco were not racist. Fascism is not necessarily racist like nationalsocialism. It's attested that Franco saved thousands of jews by giving them Spanish passports. Norway sympathized with Hitler, and many Britons as well, despite later their country was attacked by Hitler.
That thread does not prove anything about the Romanians, sorry. It's just a thread.
France is the most racist Latin country. They don't even consider themselves as Latins because latins are not racist enough. Learn about Gobineau, he started the racial ideology in which nazism is based by writing "An Essay on the Inequality of the Human Races". You can't find a single Spanish or Italian intellectual who wrote racist stuff. Germany has plenty of them, even the most prominent philosophers like Kant or Hegel were racist, so racism is a Germanic tradition clearly, not Latin.