Italian cultural and language division

Roel   Sun May 04, 2008 10:44 pm GMT
Why is there such a linguistic and cultural division within Italy?

Southern Italy differs from northern Italy in physical anthropology and genetics, as well as in culture and achievements.

Southern Italians are shorter and darker than northern Italians, with smaller and more dolichocephalic heads.

Few countries show as great a contrast between regions, in terms of genetics and economic productivity, as that found in Italy between the north and the south

Why and how is this linguistic and cultural division possible in such a small country?
Italian   Sun May 04, 2008 10:46 pm GMT
France shows the same diversity.
Dampier   Sun May 04, 2008 10:50 pm GMT
Don't worry dear Roel
Subsaharian Africans will flood Northern Italy
And soon the Southern Italians will be whiter than the Northen ones
from Milano   Sun May 04, 2008 10:54 pm GMT
Sicily is being invaded by romanian gypsies but don't worry, you can't be more gypsy.
mario   Sun May 04, 2008 10:55 pm GMT
i have posted this already:

italy is 2 countries -

one starting from north down to Rome
one starting from Rome down to South

Sicily is the poorest region - Lo Statuto Speciale della Regione Siciliana.
And is not considered Italia

Sicily is in Italy only on the map - not culturally.

Sicily only gave Italians bad name (Mafia, corruption, crime, immigration, etc)
After DNA tests - Sicilian and southern Italian proved to be a varied mixture of North African Genes.

There is no posible way on earth for a Caucasian White to be as DARK as ARABS. Sicilians are too Dark to be considered Caucasian.

Sicilians are even Darker than the Gypsies (and we know gypsies are not Caucasian)

Besides this , i am not here to promote separatism - But Sicilians take great pride in being Sicilian- and they dont consider themselves to be italian.

they have their own language - LU SICILIANU

Hence the true Italy is only Northern Italy
Guest   Sun May 04, 2008 10:55 pm GMT
Regional languages should be wiped out.
Skippy   Sun May 04, 2008 10:55 pm GMT
This is seen throughout Europe. The only reason you see less of it outside of places like Italy and France is because of the length of time those places have been inhabited by permanent settlers (as opposed to migratory groups).
from Milano   Sun May 04, 2008 10:57 pm GMT
The unification of Italy was a mistake. Sicily is draining the Lombard economy.
Guest   Sun May 04, 2008 11:01 pm GMT
some historians say the Sicilians were Greek slaves from Northern Africa.
Sicily was ruled my Greeks, Arabs, etc and that explains a varied gene pool.
Skippy   Sun May 04, 2008 11:06 pm GMT
I had a professor from Sicily who had a saying about the relationship between Sicilians and Greeks... Something about same people, different language or something like that.
Enzo   Sun May 04, 2008 11:06 pm GMT
The cultural division is promoted by separatist FASCIST ITALIAN leaders such as Lega Nord (North League)

The linguistic division always existed. Sicilian language evolved from Latin before Italian existed.
Guest   Sun May 04, 2008 11:18 pm GMT
>>I had a professor from Sicily who had a saying about the relationship between Sicilians and Greeks... Something about same people, different language or something like that.<<

In fact Southern Italy was Greek land up until Arab and Norman conquest.
Guest   Mon May 05, 2008 3:36 am GMT
Sicily is the real Italy. The Northern Italians are draining the Southern economy by their useless fight against the Mafia. The Mafia is good for Italy.
The godfather   Mon May 05, 2008 5:25 am GMT
"Sicily is the real Italy. The Northern Italians are draining the Southern economy by their useless fight against the Mafia. The Mafia is good for Italy."

Americans like the Italian Mafia - Just look at their nice movies about us.

The godfather !!!!
Sorinescu Ceausescu   Mon May 05, 2008 1:36 pm GMT
The Romanian mafia is the best.
We murder people. We then cut out their internal organs and sell them on e-bay. When it comes to brutality , we Romanians make the Sicilian mob look like a bunch of pussies.