We Need A Free Language Market Economy!
Competition is the key to improvement and success.
During the 19th century (from 1815 to 1914, roughly), three languages were competing on an equal footing in the heart of civilisation: English, French and German.
As a result this era saw tremendous advances in all fields of culture, sciences, technologies etc. Never before and never since did Europe experience such a breathtaking pace of change.
Because of competition between cultures.
English arose in 1918 as the dominant world language and there is no way any likely competitor will ever emerge. Even though the white part of mankind is ging to dwindle to a small minority, English's manifest destiny is to replace South-East Asia's linguistic chaos (from Cairo to Singapore). There are potentially billions of future native speakers in the area. And in Africa, Nigeria alone will soon count as many inhabitants as the U.S. of A.
One language is like a one-party system or a state-run economy. All incentives to improvement disappear.
English only = end of History.
There is already a free language market. But the market refuses to buy French. Sorry.
I hope you're discussing seriously...
indeed, I don't see there's the problem of one-party. I must be ignoring Europe with seemingly disappearing linguistic diversity, but at least I can see languages (this is a plural) flourishing in the most populous country where generations of its people never met/meet foreigners at all/very often.
With English as the gold standard, successful learners (or at least they can get around language barriers) can go on and learn others. There's nothing prohibitive. You can learn another language while still learning English (I do), and no one is going to care about the xxxx you are doing. Decades ago, it would have been impossible to learn _any_ foreign language at all for political and educational reasons, but now it's different.
I also see this kind of complaints as... sort of moaning. I don't even think the French and Germans would complain that much (ah, but you are Parisien, right?). I must be biased when I already "have" a language with a huge demographic base. Now, Chinese (Mandarin as spoken) had been ridiculed as the language of commies/thugs (now it's not lobbying or satirising the fenqings), but even without all the discoveries of the French and Germans and whatnot, I can see it's increasing cultural power in terms of the huge number of publications - novels, specialist books, ... and all kinds of cultural products.
If you know my native language, you'd definitely see the huge advantages you would have, like when learning languages. We haven't got the superb resources of the Brits and Americans who stress on "active" conversations (we recite and recite only), but I'm still so much a happy man to enjoy cultural products (including language books) even when I can only read two languages. The Chinese have business with virtually every country, including Iran and North Korea, and they are offering even more language books than ever... I don't think it is in any way as competent as 1900s German/French _now_, but it is at least being increasingly supported by a growing intellectual class everywhere, and while most of them know English (and so much Anglophone-ized), the two "smaller" ones you listed are still fairly popular as our third language.
<<I must be ignoring Europe with seemingly disappearing linguistic diversity>>
The language diversity in Europe is not disappearing and it wont anytime soon.
In my view, the stress on "active" conversations method seems to only show on the internet or language schools. In real school is still the old focus on grammar, which isn't totally bad, but in the end you have to choose the best method that works for you.
On a side note, Brits and Americans who learn any language well are the exception, not the rule.
Are you serious?? The world hasn't been changing fast enough for you?
What were the World Wars, the advancings in Science and Medicine, Modern Architecture, the landing of the Man on the Moon, the new Boeing's airplane?...
English is a useful language that has been serving as lingua franca, it's actually responsible for the improvement in commercial relations around the world! Commercial relations and cultural differences are the main reason people care about travelling and are highly competitive.
For non-natives of English, the language is only used as a 2nd language that helps communication around the world and it will never replace their mother tongue.
Honestly, you sound like someone who just woke up and realized many people are studying English now and feel overwhelmed by it.
We need less Gallic eunuchs.
Gallus means eunuch in Latin:
Galli (singular Gallus) was the Roman name for castrated followers of the Phrygian goddess Cybele, which were regarded as a third gender by contemporary Roman scholars,[citation needed] comparable to transgendered people in the modern world. The chief of these priests was referred to as a battakes, and later as the archigallus.Hieronymus believed the name was given by the Romans as a sign of their contempt for the Gauls.
So the Gauls were eunuchs and their descendants too. This fact explains why French sounds so gay! They lack what real men have.
The Galli were castrated voluntarily, typically during an ecstatic celebration called Dies Sanguinis, or Day of Blood, which took place on March 24.
>>In real school is still the old focus on grammar, which isn't totally bad, but in the end you have to choose the best method that works for you.
Yes, and atm, I'd say shame on myself for not being able to write Cantonese pinyin at all - no one has been ever taught to write, and our kids can't write very well too, but everyone gets his life (so what's the point? to teach foreigners, I guess). I also think I know more of German and English grammar than Chinese, even though I get by perfectly as an educated adult! So, like what Farber says, spending some time every day on grammatical study as if you were a boy that has to finish homework before playing baseball...
My most recent thought is a bit off the topic, but do take a look: then I think, for enthusiasts, it'd definitely be important to learn well, and preferably quickly (and dirtily). I'm not speaking of morals, but I do think, while I'm not against all commercial initiatives and even quite supportive of companies of good reputation, I still think, as a mere mortal, that language products have been rather pricy, and are often supposed to be used just like infant formula.
Language shouldn't be commercial AT ALL. I shall buy dictionaries, because their writers spend an immense part of their lives on dictionaries alone. I shall buy grammar books, because even natives have to read them. I shall also buy darn good programs, because the writers do show some "enthusiasm" for acting to be didactic. But at any rate, since most can be boiled down to, just, bilingual, texts, and, notes, those with a lot of art work or silly games aren't really worth a dime when its content annoys me so much even before I flip over its physical form. In general, many products are even both commercial and political, and so by "free language market economy" I think of something against copyrights, indeed, though not against all.
Since I can't speak of morals owing to financial complications, I've been a happy man for using the p2p. I hate classes, though being products of a FLM economy, for being like a 1984-esque world.
Like the no hispANNUS Hemaphrodite
Hispanus also means hamprhodite in Latin:
Hispani (singular HispANNUS) was the Roman name for double genitals followers of the Phrygian goddess Cybele, which were regarded as a third gender by contemporary Roman scholars, comparable to transgendered people in the modern world. The chief of these priests was referred to as a battakes, and later as the archihispANNUS.Hieronymus believed the name was given by the Romans as a sign of their contempt for the Hispania.
So the Hispnians were HEMAPHRODITE and their descendants too. This fact explains why hispanics sounds so homosexual! They both what real men and women have.
The hispani were given male and female genitals voluntarily, typically during an ecstatic celebration called Dies Sanguinis, or Day of Blood, which took place on March 24.
So the Gauls were eunuchs and their descendants too.>>
If they were eunuchs how did they reproduce?
>>If they were eunuchs how did they reproduce?<<
They imported north-africans for reproduction.
The hispANNUSes rproduce so fastr like rabbits because they make love to themselves because they do have both male and female genitalias.
The hispANNUSes reproduce so fastr like rabbits because they make love to themselves because they do have both male and female genitalias.
hispANUS - A new term coined up for Spanish speaking individuals and that is . This word has something to do with sodomy which the hispANUS homos love so much.
hispANUS - A new term coined up for Spanish speaking individuals and that is . This word has something to do with sodomy which the hispANUS homos love so much.
hispANUSphrodite - Spanish speaking hemaphrodite their descendants too are hemaphrodites. They have both male and female genitalia just like the female hyenas who have pseudo penis like their hispANUS counterparts. This fact explains why hispANUSES love sodomy.
Arret de faire le baboune gai, hispANUS DUNG BEETLE!
Arret de faire le baboune gai, hispANUS DUNG BEETLE!
Arret de faire le baboune gai, hispANUS DUNG BEETLE!
Aside from sodomy, hipANUSes also love fellatio.