<<Ugh... I hate being referred to as a yankee... >>
It sure beats the heck out of being called "Merkins" or "Moronicans", though.
It sure beats the heck out of being called "Merkins" or "Moronicans", though.
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<<Ugh... I hate being referred to as a yankee... >>
It sure beats the heck out of being called "Merkins" or "Moronicans", though.
Yes, we get it--America = Hitler = 666 = AMERIKKKA = the heart of evil = Satan = USA.
Annyway. I always found it weird that people from Australia or Spain would use "Yankee" or "Yank" despite having no historical or cultural connection to the term. Rather blind, I'd say.
Yankee to me has positive connotations: brave people, freedom defenders , the winers of the Civil War.
<<Yankee to me has positive connotations:>
The people in NYC are proud enough of the term "yankee" to name one of their baseball teams the Yankees.
Don't tell people how to call USA Americans in their own language. The standard term in EuroSpanish is yanqui, you see it even in the news.
Yankee is sometimes used in Spain, but the standard word is americano, always has been, at least since this was shot:
Regarding the word Yankee- it's very funny how it means different things to different people. In the wider world, Yankee simply refers to any American. In America in general, the word Yankee distinguishes Southerners from Northerners. In the North, Yankee means people from New England. And in New England, Yankee refers specifically to the descendants of the first colonists from England!!!!
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