How many millions of illegal inmigrants do you think that the USA would have if instead of Mexico it was India, Brazil, China, etc. the ones that lived next to the United States?
How many...?
Brazil = At least 50 million
China or India = Would've already taken over the U.S.
China or India = Would've already taken over the U.S.
Si china y USAland fueran vecinos, entonces ahora el pistolero Bush daría su mensaje radiofónico en Mandarin, no hay duda. Los WASP UsenSes tienen que estar muy agradecidos de que sea méxico y no china o india sus vecinos. Cambio y corto
We can also be thankful that we don't have Middle Eastern or North African countries on our borders, too.
If China bordered North America, they would have completely settled the area with a high population density long before the Europeans discovered America. European colonization wouldn't have been possible.
Mexico is a great country, it just happens to be that we live next to the world's riches country, therefore all those illegal inmigrants (mostly peasants) just find it easy to cross the border and earn dollars than trying to find a job in Mexico, but of course who gets the shame? the whole country.
<<Mexico is a great country, it just happens to be that we live next to the world's riches country>>
Isn't Luxembourg currently the world's richest country?
Isn't Luxembourg currently the world's richest country?
What if we send some Hispanics from Mexico to Luxemburg too? This country is very tiny, si it will take only a few millions to make Spanish the most spoken language there.
Don't think so, why would they go there? the only Mexicans in Europe (and pretty much the rest of the world except the USA) are students and turists.
We know US are poor and can't afford to take any more Mexicans; so you can send them over to Luxembourg, we're not cheapskates.
Hispanics must open new horizons and cease migrating only to US. This country is already full of Hispanics. What about Australia?
<<Hispanics must open new horizons and cease migrating only to US. This country is already full of Hispanics. What about Australia?>>
How the heck are the campesinos supposed to get there? By paddle boat?
How the heck are the campesinos supposed to get there? By paddle boat?