How is Egyptian Arabic written down for study? A polyglot told me yesterday that this has not been done yet-there is no "written" form to learn the colloquial language. Bogus?
How do people study "colloquial" Egyptian Arabic in school, then?
Interesting topic.
Interesting topic.
they dont study colloquial language in school. The speak it in their everyday life. They learn MSA at school.
That is why there is no standard writting system for most of these arab dialects.
That is why there is no standard writting system for most of these arab dialects.
If they learn MSA at school and use it every day when reading and writing why do people claim they can't use it? I know if I read and wrote in Latin everyday I would easily be able to carry a conversation in it, so is there something I'm missing or are they just really dumb?
MSA is seen as formal speak, suitable at work,school and reading/writting. But speaking completely in MSA in a social environment does not usually happen.
When did i say they couldn't speak it? They can but CHOOSE not to in a social setting amongest friends and family.
it is a bit like English, some people speak there local slang/doism or less formal words amogest friends and family, but probably wouldn't in a work/formal environment.
When did i say they couldn't speak it? They can but CHOOSE not to in a social setting amongest friends and family.
it is a bit like English, some people speak there local slang/doism or less formal words amogest friends and family, but probably wouldn't in a work/formal environment.
But people claim that learning MSA is pointless because you won't be able to speak to anyone. Is it not true that you could go to any Arabic speaking coutnry and they would be able to switch to MSA in order to communicate?
Also, is it not true that if 2 speakers of non mutually intelligible dialects met they could switch to MSA inorder to communicate?
Also, is it not true that if 2 speakers of non mutually intelligible dialects met they could switch to MSA inorder to communicate?
Most Arabs educated and non educated will have some knowledge of MSA, through listing to the New or the Quran.
MSA is not pointless, you need it in work and education. But to speak to people in a social situation, it best to speak in their diacelts; which will be easy once to learnt MSA. Also many diacelts are mutually inteligable.
Therefore, when two arabs who cannot fully understand each others diacelts (Moroccan and Kuwaitie) they would swap their local idoism and slangs for those one MSA.
It is a bit like my language somali, there is Common Somali spoken by everyone, however there are different diaclets that i would not be able to fully understand. For example, i would have trouble understanding reer xamar (people from the south). Therefore, they would speak in Common somali to be fully understood.
MSA is not pointless, you need it in work and education. But to speak to people in a social situation, it best to speak in their diacelts; which will be easy once to learnt MSA. Also many diacelts are mutually inteligable.
Therefore, when two arabs who cannot fully understand each others diacelts (Moroccan and Kuwaitie) they would swap their local idoism and slangs for those one MSA.
It is a bit like my language somali, there is Common Somali spoken by everyone, however there are different diaclets that i would not be able to fully understand. For example, i would have trouble understanding reer xamar (people from the south). Therefore, they would speak in Common somali to be fully understood.