CringeFest: Foreigners trying to hard to talk like natives
>>Also, when I'm chatting online I always see things like "How r u?", "I wanna make new friends", and "I gotta go".<<
None of those 3 phrases would give away someone as a foreigner.
Seriously, I have to second the opinion that American kids use 'like', 'so', 'omigod', 'totally' randomly and excessively. In that respect at least, the Brits speak better.
I've heard British kids saying 'like' all the time too.
Very true guest. Brit kids have picked up on this habit from Americans, and will very soon, on the other words I mentioned, too. And Brit English is all the worse for it. Note: I'm neither American nor British, so I am being neutral about this.
The first time I hear a Brit or a German say,"Aaaaah-some" (open the mouth wide for the strongest effect), I'll know the world has gone to the dogs. ;-)
I still need to see a British person speaking cheap English the way American youth does.