Languages You Can Learn at Home or/and Abroad
Those figures for Romance languages are terribly inflated but despite that English still has more speakers...
English is the mother tongue of over 400 million people. Including 2nd languages speakers, English is spoken by roughly 2 billion people and that number is growing by the day.
Native speakers is what counts. Second language speakers speak terrible English, perhaps excluding only the Dutch and Swedes.
Since Spanish are Arabs conquered by Vatican it is only to be expected that 500 million ppl will turn back to Arabic any time now thus making Arabic world's no. 1 language.
Spain has diversity. Part of Spain was never conquered by the Moors, I understand, so I don't believe that everyone has Moorish ancestors. Some people are probably descended from Jewish people (conversos?).
I can see Arabic borrowings in many, many languages. This is not a bid for Arabic, just a fact. It's in Swahili, Portuguese, Spanish, Turkish, Indonesian and even in a few English words. I'm leaving out other languages with Arabic influence, but once you start looking at several languages you realise that "Hey! I know this word already."
<<Spain has diversity. Part of Spain was never conquered by the Moors, I understand, so I don't believe that everyone has Moorish ancestors. Some people are probably descended from Jewish people (conversos?).
In fact it's hard that somebody in Spain has Moorish ancestors. While these lived in Spain they banned mixed marriages with the defeated Christians and as the Reconquista advanced, they were expeled from the parts controlled by Christians unless they converted. Even many that converted ended up migrating to Morocco because of the pressure of Inquisition which considered that converted Muslims were not sincere .Arabic words in Spanish are mostly consequence of the prestige it had in the Middle Ages, not only in Spain but in Europe. Words like algebra, cotton, apricot, alcove, alcohol, adobe, algoritm, and so on are also present in many European languages, not only Spanish. As for the Jews, it's the same, they were expeled from Spain unless they converted, but very few conversos may have remained in Spain, since Jews are very loyal to their religion.
^yeah, true.
That's why the Arabic influence only shows in some words and not really influenced the language structure or grammar or anything more relevant.
It really amuses me that Spaniards and their descendants will do or say anything to hide the forsaken truth. They are Latin/Arab bastards that have no right to claim pure European heritage.
Your mother is bastard. The truth is that we expeled the Muslims , learn History,but your fucking country, I don't mind what it is, will never be able to expel the millions of muslims that rape your women because nowadadays Inquisition is not PC.
"Spain has diversity. Part of Spain was never conquered by the Moors, I understand, so I don't believe that everyone has Moorish ancestors. Some people are probably descended from Jewish people"
So, not everyone in Spain is Arab, some of them are probably descended from Jews.
I could not put it better myself.
European cities with biggest Muslim communities:
Marseille - 25% (200,000 of 800,000) (*), PACA region - 20% (0.7-1.0 million of 1.5 million) ( *)
Malmo - ~25% (*)
Amsterdam - 24% (180,000 of 750,000) ( *), Greater Amsterdam - 12.7% (*)
Stockholm - 20% (>155,000 of 771,038) ( *)
Brussels - ~20% (some say 33%) (*)
Greater London - 17% (1.3 million of 7.5 million) ( *)
Madrid doesn't appear.
"Those figures for Romance languages are terribly inflated but despite that English still has more speakers...
English is the mother tongue of over 400 million people. Including 2nd languages speakers, English is spoken by roughly 2 billion people and that number is growing by the day."
English is the mother tongue of 380-400 million people, Ok. If you want to include bilingual people or people with a HIGH LEVEL of the language, there are 525-550 million people.
If you want to add people that speak a very basic English, you are right, English is spoken by 2 billion people.
I think that 525-550 million people is the most serious data.
"European cities with biggest Muslim communities:"
We're not talking about Muslim communities. We're talking about the fact that all Spaniards are basically descendants of Arabs. As soon as Spain (under Zapatero) breaks free from Vatican's rule of oppression it'll turn back to Arabic and Islam.
Spanish has less than 400 million native speakers and there is now way it has 100 million second language speakers. 450 million total max! It's probably more like 425.
French only has like 70 million native speakers and perhaps a 100 million 2nd language speakers.
Italian is spoken by 63 million total.
Romanian is spoken by 28 million total.
1 out of 5 people on earth speak English as a first or second language and that number grows by the day. Latin pidgins aren't even considered competition...
"European cities with biggest Muslim communities:"
We're not talking about Muslim communities. We're talking about the fact that all Spaniards are basically descendants of Arabs. As soon as Spain (under Zapatero) breaks free from Vatican's rule of oppression it'll turn back to Arabic and Islam.
We are talking about countries with more muslims in Europe. As you can see, Spain is not one of them. Spain expelled Muslims with the Reconquista, but those millions of muslims in Europe will stay there forever.