A configuração do dativo de terceira pessoa no português do Brasil e no português europeu com enfoque na fala do fortalezense culto
by: Dantas, Maria Alves Maia
Based in samples (corpus) of verbal language of the Brazilian and European Portuguese, this work investigates the strategies of substitution of the 3rd. person dative clitics in the Brazilian Portuguese and the European Portuguese, as well as the use of introductory prepositions of the dative represented for lexical DP. The objective is to verify the evidences of possible parametric change in the Brazilian variety and to evidence the differences between the alternatives used for the talkers of the two linguistic systems. It focuses the use of the 3rd. person dative clitics complements in several forms of representation in the speech of natives with superior degree (cult talker) of the city of Fortaleza, Ceará (inquiries of the Porcufort corpus) and in speaks of European Portugueses (inquiries of corpus CRPC), with ditransitive verbs of concrete transference and conceptual transference. Recent scientific trials indicate modifications in the use of the appointed 3rd. person dative clitics in the variety of Brazil, is separating itself from the European one.The results pointed to considerable differences between the two varieties: while the European Portuguese uses of the 3rd. person dative clitics, in the Brazilian Portuguese is possible to verify its substitution for alternative strategies as the use of anaphoric strong pronouns, or the null object. The data studied in this work point out to the confirmation of the hypothesis of Galves (2001) of that grammatical abilities of the European Portuguese and the Brazilian Portuguese are different and tend to become more distant themselves in speak speech. It was also verified that the Brazilian Portuguese does not have constructions of applicative head of the European Portuguese, as demonstrated in the proposal of Torres Morais (2007) which evidences that, in the European Portuguese, the internal appointed argument of concrete and cognitive transference is permitted by a applicative head that carries through by means of the obligator presence of the preposition "a", marking of dative case marker. The Brazilian Portuguese lost the capacity to carry through this dative, therefore its verbal complements are introduced by lexical prepositions, that means they don't realize the applicative head with the configuration verified in the European Portuguese, but they have another form to configure it: double object constructions.
by: Dantas, Maria Alves Maia
Based in samples (corpus) of verbal language of the Brazilian and European Portuguese, this work investigates the strategies of substitution of the 3rd. person dative clitics in the Brazilian Portuguese and the European Portuguese, as well as the use of introductory prepositions of the dative represented for lexical DP. The objective is to verify the evidences of possible parametric change in the Brazilian variety and to evidence the differences between the alternatives used for the talkers of the two linguistic systems. It focuses the use of the 3rd. person dative clitics complements in several forms of representation in the speech of natives with superior degree (cult talker) of the city of Fortaleza, Ceará (inquiries of the Porcufort corpus) and in speaks of European Portugueses (inquiries of corpus CRPC), with ditransitive verbs of concrete transference and conceptual transference. Recent scientific trials indicate modifications in the use of the appointed 3rd. person dative clitics in the variety of Brazil, is separating itself from the European one.The results pointed to considerable differences between the two varieties: while the European Portuguese uses of the 3rd. person dative clitics, in the Brazilian Portuguese is possible to verify its substitution for alternative strategies as the use of anaphoric strong pronouns, or the null object. The data studied in this work point out to the confirmation of the hypothesis of Galves (2001) of that grammatical abilities of the European Portuguese and the Brazilian Portuguese are different and tend to become more distant themselves in speak speech. It was also verified that the Brazilian Portuguese does not have constructions of applicative head of the European Portuguese, as demonstrated in the proposal of Torres Morais (2007) which evidences that, in the European Portuguese, the internal appointed argument of concrete and cognitive transference is permitted by a applicative head that carries through by means of the obligator presence of the preposition "a", marking of dative case marker. The Brazilian Portuguese lost the capacity to carry through this dative, therefore its verbal complements are introduced by lexical prepositions, that means they don't realize the applicative head with the configuration verified in the European Portuguese, but they have another form to configure it: double object constructions.