Native discovery
<<Guest Thu Jun 19, 2008 10:36 pm GMT
Search through the old posts in the archive of this forum and you will actually find greg writing in English, of all things! >>
He often writes (or wrote?) in English over at Langcafe2.
I think his writing in French here is a form of protest over English being given preferred treatment with its own forum here at Antimoon.
I think his writing in French here is a form of protest over English being given preferred treatment with its own forum here at Antimoon.
And why doesn't the moderator here delete his posts?
One thing is for sure, you all allow Greg to destroy numerous thread by his postings in French and your off-topic discussions about him. On many other (quality) forums, he would have been branded a TROLL by all and chased off the forum.
Do you think he may be a friend of the moderator?
<<On many other (quality) forums, he would have been branded a TROLL by all and chased off the forum.>
But greg is one of the pillars of the Antimoon community. This forum would be a lesser place without him.
It's to bad Sander and some of the others left and never came back. A number of Canadians must have left, too -- we haven't had a good Quebec vs. English Canada thread in ages. IIRC, the greatest thread of all time was titled "Vive le Quebec Libre".
<<But greg is one of the *pillars of the Antimoon community.>>
Typo. Should be "pillocks".