Russian or Chinese: Which Is More Worth Learning?

Darfur?   Fri Jun 27, 2008 4:41 pm GMT
Can somebody say Darfur!?
Skippy   Sat Jun 28, 2008 2:37 am GMT
I know very little about modern China, but isn't Christianity forbidden?
J.C.   Sat Jun 28, 2008 2:54 am GMT
Skippy: Yes, christianity is forbidden and I remember I was asked to pass out some bibles to a missionary in Beijing but had to give up that idea because the pastor I was supposed to meet freaked out. No religious freedom in China!!!
K. T.   Sat Jun 28, 2008 2:55 am GMT
No, it isn't Skippy, but there is an "official" church and there is some restriction concerning the book of Revelation, I've heard. There are many house churches.
K. T.   Sat Jun 28, 2008 3:02 am GMT
The Official church is called "Three-Self Patriotic Church". I have seen a Catholic church in Beijing when I was there. I know there are some restrictions, and probably persecution, but it is not completely forbidden.
J.C.   Sat Jun 28, 2008 3:03 am GMT
"No, it isn't Skippy, but there is an "official" church"
K.T-さん: Looks like we have different information sources...
I tried to visit one of these "official churches" and felt I was going to a church controlled by the government where not even my "God bless you" was answered and I never felt so lonely on a christmas day since there was no service to attend. According to the pastor I was supposed to meet the "official churches" have certain rules preaching and CANNOT criticize the government. In other words, they are nothing more than puppets of the Chinese government. I had the opportunity of watching videos of some underground churches and read reports of missionaries tortured and killed in China.
J.C.   Sat Jun 28, 2008 3:08 am GMT
By the way, I think one should start learning Chinese and Russian at the same time then figure out which one is more difficult to learn (I don't think any of these is SO difficult...).

K. T.   Sat Jun 28, 2008 3:09 am GMT
Yes, J. C.-さん, there is not complete freedom, but this is distinct from being completely forbidden. Yes, the official church is controlled by the government. Some Christians will have nothing to do with it. Of course, I have heard of Chinese Christians who were tortured and their children were taken from them.
CM   Sat Jun 28, 2008 3:14 am GMT
"I know very little about modern China, but isn't Christianity forbidden?"

Not a problem for me. I'm most likely going to learn Mandarin. The Chinese have also been such nice people, at least the ones I've met who were actually from China. The Russians I've met are not very kind or happy kinds of people.
Guest   Sat Jun 28, 2008 3:17 am GMT
Well done China! Religion is a plague in society, good to see some nations can overcome political correctness for the good of society.
K. T.   Sat Jun 28, 2008 3:20 am GMT
I think that depends on the religion. In any case, sometimes the state becomes the relgion.
Guest   Sat Jun 28, 2008 3:31 am GMT
Anyway, I don't see what's wrong with banning Christianity. It is just considered a cult, many countries in the world have banned cults.
J.C.   Sat Jun 28, 2008 3:31 am GMT
"Well done China! Religion is a plague in society, good to see some nations can overcome political correctness for the good of society."
I don't know what evil can a religion cause to a country if it teaches good principles and gives people freedom, which is something that the former USSR and current China CANNOT provide...
I remember watching a movie with an interesting comment about the end of communism: It was ATHEIST!!!
I've been living in Japan for 10 years and have seen what materialism and intellectualism do to people: Depression, indifference to other people and HIGH rates of suicide (30,000 people kill themselves each year in Japan and I guess things aren't much different from Sweden, which turned its back to christianity like most of Europe...)
Guest   Sat Jun 28, 2008 3:34 am GMT
<<what materialism and intellectualism do to people: Depression, indifference to other people and HIGH rates of suicide (30,000 people kill themselves each year in Japan and I guess things aren't much different from Sweden, which turned its back to christianity like most of Europe...)>>

In that respect religion is kind of like drugs, it can "take away the pain" of reality. I think you'll agree though that taking drugs is not a good thing.
J.C.   Sat Jun 28, 2008 3:49 am GMT
「"In that respect religion is kind of like drugs, it can "take away the pain" of reality. I think you'll agree though that taking drugs is not a good thing.」
I think you must be referring to "fanaticism" , which can mess with people minds and blur their judgements. I think there should be a differentiation between religion, which is a human effort to reach God in opposition to FAITH. I have been a christian since I was 15 and don't consider myself a religious person neither a fanatical. My faith doesn't "take away the pain", of reality, rather it helps me see it from a different perspective and go through it in a sober way.
This month a guy in Tokyo who said "his life was too miserable" decided to stab 8 people to death randomly after running them down with a truck. What do you make of this in a country so "rich" like Japan? In my view many people in this country are looking for something that a rich nation, prosperity, high educational level and security cannot provide...