Yes - Yes, Yeah, Ya
No - Nope
No - Nope
Why yes has 3 forms and no has 1 form
Well, depends. At least here there is a whole bunch of both affirmative and negative interjections:
Affirmative: yes - [ˈjɜs] yeah - [ˈjɛ̯æ], [ˈjɛ̥ː], [ˈjɛ̯̃æ̃], or [ˈjɛ̥̃ː] yah (ja) - [ˈjaː] yep - [ˈjɜʔp] Negative: no - [ˈnoː] neah - [ˈnɛ̯̃æ̃] nah - [ˈnaː] nope - [ˈnoʔp]
'yes' has more:
yea aye/ay yeah yep/yup yo (exclamation for 'yes' [I am here]) affirmative (so) (amen) (always) 'no': nay negative (never)
<<You're forgetting "nay","nah","negatory" and "nope". >>
I got "nay" in there. |