Glottal stops are not used in Australian English, aren't they? Are there any Australian Antimooners who are best qualified to answer this question?
Aren't glottal stops used in Australian English?
Not generally (I'm assuming you're referring to the use of the glottal stop for intervocalic 't's). More typical is the alveolar tap, similar to American English and a number of other dialects.
I've never heard an Australian use the glottal stop like the British do, but they may exist. What I mean is, I've never heard "wor'uh" (water) come from an Australian's mouth.
As I mentioned in the thread "Is glottal stop widely spread in the UK and US?", which is still on the forum, glottal stops are never heard in Australia, except from migrants and visitors.
This is rather interesting, as it suggests that few of Australia's migrants, who were overwhelmingly from the UK and Ireland until after World 2, used the glottal stop, indicating that its enormous usage in regional UK accents today is the consequence of relatively recent influences, and radio and television, particularly the latter, seem likely to be the catalysts.
This is rather interesting, as it suggests that few of Australia's migrants, who were overwhelmingly from the UK and Ireland until after World 2, used the glottal stop, indicating that its enormous usage in regional UK accents today is the consequence of relatively recent influences, and radio and television, particularly the latter, seem likely to be the catalysts.