Does this sentence make any sense?
“Many thanks for showing your personality”
Dear student:
Please turn your mobile off before entering your class
“Many thanks for showing your personality”
This sentence is seen to be added at the bottom of a public request (the above request) in an Iranian language institute. I believe as the result of a phenomenon (interference of lerners' mother tongue) the Persian native speaker has produced such a sentence. Therefore several questions arise here:
1 – Do native English speakers use such a phrase “showing ones personality”?
2 – Do native speakers use such a sentence at the bottom of a public request? Is it natural to use such a sentence??
3 – What can be said instead of the phrase “showing your personality”?
Or does it make sense at all?
“Many thanks for showing your personality”
Dear student:
Please turn your mobile off before entering your class
“Many thanks for showing your personality”
This sentence is seen to be added at the bottom of a public request (the above request) in an Iranian language institute. I believe as the result of a phenomenon (interference of lerners' mother tongue) the Persian native speaker has produced such a sentence. Therefore several questions arise here:
1 – Do native English speakers use such a phrase “showing ones personality”?
2 – Do native speakers use such a sentence at the bottom of a public request? Is it natural to use such a sentence??
3 – What can be said instead of the phrase “showing your personality”?
Or does it make sense at all?