ROmance MI with Romanian

Skippy   Thu Jul 03, 2008 3:51 pm GMT
For Romance language speakers out there, to what degree is Romanian mutually intelligible with your language?

For the Romanian speakers, to what degree are the other Romance languages mutually intelligible with your language?
Guest   Thu Jul 03, 2008 4:55 pm GMT
Spanish Spammer this topic is for you. Please write your stupid comments.
Guest   Thu Jul 03, 2008 7:03 pm GMT
">For Romance language speakers out there, to what degree is Romanian mutually intelligible with your language?<"

Write something in Romanian and I shall tell you my mutual intelligibility apropos the Romanian language.
Guest   Thu Jul 03, 2008 7:18 pm GMT
"Yeah that was very realistic...

Bravo, eres inteligentisimo! "

but it sure was funny
Guest   Thu Jul 03, 2008 7:36 pm GMT
>>Write something in Romanian and I shall tell you my mutual intelligibility apropos the Romanian language.

Try this (though I doubt you will understand something since this is traditional, "unmodernized", Romanian):

"Atât strigoii-spirite cât şi strigoii-oameni dar mai ales strigoaicele fac omenirii foarte multe neplăceri, neajunsuri şi daune. Dar şi oamenii le pot veni de hac, iar aceasta se face mai ales în prima şi a doua zi de Paşti. Cine ia în ziua de Paşti lingura cu care s-a amestecat în oala în care s-au vopsit ouăle şi o pune după şerpar ( curea ) şi apoi se suie într-un pom înalt, poate vedea toate strigoaicele care merg nevăzute cu ciurda ca să ia laptele de la vaci. Cea mai mare strigoaie e călare pe taurul satului. Precum se pot vedea strigoaicele-spirite în ziua de Paşti, tot asa se pot cunoaşte şi strigoaicele-femei sau vrăjitoarele care uneori sunt chiar mai rele."
zatsu   Thu Jul 03, 2008 8:03 pm GMT
^Why don't you post something in contemporary Romanian, then? >_>

How should I know to what degree is Romanian mutually intelligible with my language? (You mean in percentages or real live situations?)
It's not like Romanian is a widely spread language as well...
PARISIEN   Thu Jul 03, 2008 9:22 pm GMT
I think I understand (thanks to Italian):
- "multe" = "molto" = "much"
- "se face mai " = "si fece mai" = "would never be done"
- "pe taurul" = "for the bull" (?)
- "se pot vedea" = "si puo vedere" : "can be seen"

Maybe I misunderstood... Maybe not after all.
David   Sat Jul 05, 2008 4:59 am GMT
As an lower-intermediate speaker of Italian I can say that I understand a fair amount of Romanian, maybe 50% of a basic text, as my vocabulary is somewhat limited. For a native speaker I would think it would be like 60% for Italians trying to understand Romanian and maybe 65%-75% for Romanians (a very rough estimate). Keep in mind that it is much easier for Romanians to understand Italian than vice versa...I don't really know why, but that's what all the Romanians I've talked to say, and from the Italians I've met's usually poor understanding of Romanian, I would say this is true.
Mauro   Mon Jul 07, 2008 3:23 pm GMT
As an Italian myself, I can say, I understand only that much:

oameni - uomini;
multe - molto;
dane - danni;
aceasta - questo, ( I believe!)
de (Pasti) - di (Pasqua);
ouale - uova;
apoi - poi;
inalt - alt ( !?) - maybe;
poate - puo;
vedea - vedere;
laptele - latte;
vaci - vacche (!?);
taurul - toro;
Precum - Come
se pot vedea - si puo vedere;
cunoaste - cunoscere;
sunt - sono
Marius   Mon Jul 07, 2008 8:26 pm GMT
See here , the etymology, word by word of the paragraph you guest, you did put it here in, Romanian:

"Atât strigoii-spirite cât şi strigoii-oameni dar mai ales strigoaicele fac omenirii foarte multe neplăceri, neajunsuri şi daune. Dar şi oamenii le pot veni de hac, iar aceasta se face mai ales în prima şi a doua zi de Paşti. Cine ia în ziua de Paşti lingura cu care s-a amestecat în oala în care s-au vopsit ouăle şi o pune după şerpar ( curea ) şi apoi se suie într-un pom înalt, poate vedea toate strigoaicele care merg nevăzute cu ciurda ca să ia laptele de la vaci. Cea mai mare strigoaie e călare pe taurul satului. Precum se pot vedea strigoaicele-spirite în ziua de Paşti, tot asa se pot cunoaşte şi strigoaicele-femei sau vrăjitoarele care uneori sunt chiar mai rele."

- Strigoi - ghost - derivated from Lat : strix-strigis (night bird similar to owl );
- spirit - Lat spiritus;
- cat - Lat quantus (cata) - how much;
- dar - Slav - daru - but (adverb)
- mai - Lat. magis - more; (mai, - Lat. malleus) - ram, as a tool ;
- ales - adverb , from Romanian a alege - Lat. electus / allegere,eligere - chosen, to chose ;
- om - Lat. homo - man;
-fac /a face - Lat. facere - I do, to do;
-foarte - Lat. forte - very;
- mult - Lat. multus - much;
- (ne) placere - Lat. (in) placere - (no)pleasure;
- neajuns, derivated from a (nu) ajunge - Lat. (in) adjungere - lack of, limitation;
- necaz - Slav nakazu - nakazati - punishment;
- dauna - Lat. damnum - loss;
- si - conj. - Lat. sic - and;
- pot -verb, derivated from a putea- putere - Lat. potere - to can/power;
- veni - Lat. venire - to come;
- de , prep. Lat. de - of/from;
- veni de hac - Turkish hak - to find a possibility to bit /win against somebody; could be used : a inivnge - Lat. vincere. vincere / to win or also " a condamna - Lat. condemnare - to punish somebody;
- aceasta - Lat. ecce -ista- this one;
- se - pron reflex. Lat. se -... self?
- in - adverb - Lat. in - in;
- prima - adv. Lat. primus - the first;
- a doua - Lat. duae - the second;
- zi/ ziua - Lat. dies / day;
- Pasti - Lat. Pashae;
- cine - Lat. queue;
- ia - a lua - Lat. levare - to take;
- lingura - Lat. lingula (spoon);
- cu - Lat. cum - How;
- care - Lat. qualis - which;
- a amesteca - Lat. ammixticare;
- oala - Lat. Olla - pot;
- a vopsi - Slav -vapisate , or "a colora" - Lat. colorare - to color/paint;
- oua - Lat. ovum - egg;
- o - Dacian - una - Lat. ullam - one;
- pune - Lat. ponere ; to put on;
- serpar - Lat. Serpes;
- curea - Lat. corrigia - belt
- apoi - Lat. ad post - after
- a (se) sui - Lat. subire - to go up;
- pom - Lat. pomus - fruit three;
- inalt - Lat. in-altum-tall
- a vedea, Lat - vedere - to see
- toate (tot) - Lat. totus - all;
- merg (merge) - Lat. mergere - to go;
- ne-vazute - Lat. derivated from subst. vedere, Lat. (in) vedere - to see;
- ciurda - regionalism, Magyar "csorda, - "turma" - Lat. turma; or "cireada" - Slav creda - herd;
- ca - Lat. quam - as;
- sa - Lat. si - to;
- lapte - Lat. lac/lactis - milk;
- de la - Lat. de illac - from;
- vaca/vaci - Lat. vacca- cow
- e (este - verb inf. "a fi" - Lat. sum, fui, fire- to be
- pe - Lat. per , super - on;
- taurul - Lat. taurus - bull;
- sat - Lat. fossatum - vilage;
- pre-cum - Lat. prae-quomo;
- asa - shortening of "asemenea - Lat. assimile- same;
- asa cum - Lat. ac sic / eccum sic ; as (well as);
- se - Lat. se - (it);
- a cunoaste - vulgar Latin - connoscere, Latin - cognoscere - to know;
- vrajitoare - Slave 'vraza" - or femeie rea, Lat. reus familia - witch;
- femeie = muiere, Lat. mulier (eris) - women;
- una , ori - Lat. una - hora;

Altough this Romanian text is containing a lot of regionalisms and popular words, spoken by vilagers, you might still undeerstand why it is easier for Romanians to interpret other romance languages and why is not working the otehr way around...
Guest   Mon Jul 07, 2008 9:05 pm GMT
I'm not really sure it's easier for a Romanian to understand, for instance, Portuguese or French than the other way around. Why should it be?
After all, Romanian is still closer to Latin than those languages, and it wasn't the only one with other influences and regionalisms.
Marius   Mon Jul 07, 2008 10:37 pm GMT
I've heard so many people whose mother language is a romance one, saying to have difficulties understanding Romanian but Spanish, French, Italian, Portugues. Therefore, I assumed that this might be possible because of its roughness, (keeping closer to the old Latin forms, it is making it more difficult for the other to understand it).

The other way around, being a Romanian myself, I know for the fact that it is pretty easy for me to understand spoken standard Italian and a bit less I understand standrad Spanish, Portugues, French. I personaly understand more from the last three, when they are written...
Tu quoque   Tue Jul 08, 2008 7:23 am GMT
">Therefore, I assumed that this might be possible because of its roughness, (keeping closer to the old Latin forms, it is making it more difficult for the other to understand it).<"

I doubt it. It has to do MUCH with its Slavic influence. I mean, the only thing different from Romanian with the other Romance languages is that Romanian has the following: 1 declension, a Russian enunciation with an Italian twist, some old latin words and slavic words.

By the way, some of the words Marius listed above^ I have noticed reside in Spanish as well.

Corrections to the list>

Classical Latin:
fossatum = ditch / grave
cum = with
Guest   Tue Jul 08, 2008 7:56 am GMT
Spanish equivalentes (i.e., derivatives) from Latin.

- espiritu - Lat spiritus - spirit
- cuanto - Lat quantus - how much;
- mas - Lat. magis - more;
- elegir - Lat. electus / allegere, eligere - chosen, to chose ;
- hombre - Lat. homo - man;
- hago, hacer - Lat. facere - I do, to do;
- fuerte- Lat. forte - very;
- mucho - Lat. multus - much;
- (no) hay placer - Lat. (in) placere - (no) pleasure;
- poder - Lat. potere - to can/power;
- venir - Lat. venire - to come;
- de , prep. Lat. de - of/from;
- vencer - Lat. vincere - to win
- condenar - Lat. condemnare - to punish somebody;
- esta - Lat. ecce -ista- this one;
- si - pron reflex. Lat. se -... self?
- en - adverb - Lat. in - in;
- primer(o) - adv. Lat. primus - the first;
- dia - Lat. dies / day;
- Pasqua- Lat. Pasqua;
- cine - Lat. queue;
- llevar - Lat. levare - to take;
- con - Lat. cum - with;
- cual - Lat. qualis - which;
- a amesteca - Lat. ammixticare;
- olla - Lat. olla - pot;
- colorear / pintar - Lat. colorare - to color/paint;
- huevo - Lat. ovum - egg;
- poner - Lat. ponere ; to put on;
- serpar - Lat. Serpes;
- cintorron- Lat. corrigia - belt
- despues - Lat. ad post - after
- subir - Lat. subire - to go up;
- pomo - Lat. pomus - fruit tree;
- alto - Lat. altum - tall
- ver - Lat - vedere - to see
- todo - Lat. totus - all;
- que - Lat. quam - as;
- leche - Lat. lac/lactis - milk;
- de la - Lat. de illac - from the;
- vaca - Lat. vacca- cow
- ser - Lat. sum, fui, fire- to be
- sobre - Lat. super - on;
- toro - Lat. taurus - bull;
- foso / fosa - Lat. fossa(tum) - ditch / grave ;
- por que - Lat. prae-quomo;
- semejante / parecido / simil - Lat. assimile- same;
- asi como - Lat. ac sic / eccum sic ; as (well as);
- si - Lat. se - (it);
- conocer - Lat. - cognoscere - to know;
- mujer - Lat. mulier (eris) - women;
- una, hora - Lat. una, hora; - one / hour
Guest   Tue Jul 08, 2008 7:58 am GMT

- mezclar - Lat. ammixticare - to mix