<<You get that with a lot of standard English dialect speakers. They just can't let go of words like "shall" and "whom". >>
Maybe in England or other Anglophone areas. Here in Los Angeles we speak a pretty standardized form of English and I've never used the word "shall" in a sentence in my life. I don't hear "whom" very often except from foreigners who have learned a very "correct" English. Nnoe of my friends or coleagues use "whom", so I'm nto sure where you're getting that.
<<I think it's more you who is giving us a folksy picture of rural communities hoping we'll swallow the bait.>>
It sounds like you'v eled a pretty sheltered life and you're coming at this from a purely academic perspective and aren't interested in hearing anything from people who are actually "in the field". I'm trying to figure out what motivates you to react with such determined hostility to information that doesn't fit into your pre-determined paradigm.
As for trying to paint a folksy picture of rural communities, I'm only telling you what I've experienced firsthand and I don't see how it's "folksy". I'm not even sure what you mean by that. My guess is you haven't spent any time in a rural American or European community and it's likely what I'm saying doesn't fit the picture you've put together from some classes you've attended. I'm not "hoping you'll swallow the bait" because I have nothing to gain or lose regardless of whether you think I'm being truthful. Do I win a prize if you decide to accept anything I say as possibly accurate? Your comment is rediculous on its face.
Here's the irony... I was sharing my experience to help you better understand dynamics that you seem to have learned about from a college course but have no direct experience with. So I was trying to be helpful and you have reacted by making obtuse arguments that don't even correctly address the questions you raised in the first place. You're clearly not interested in an honest dialogue. You have an axe to grind with standard speakers and no matter what I say, since I'm a standard speaker, you'll dismiss it and come back with some silly retort.
Do yourself a favor. Get out and visit some places first hand where dialects are spoken and talk to the people who speak the dialect. Talk to them *about* their dialect. You probably won't though because you probably already know everything there is to know about the subject from a class you took or a book you've read.
Maybe in England or other Anglophone areas. Here in Los Angeles we speak a pretty standardized form of English and I've never used the word "shall" in a sentence in my life. I don't hear "whom" very often except from foreigners who have learned a very "correct" English. Nnoe of my friends or coleagues use "whom", so I'm nto sure where you're getting that.
<<I think it's more you who is giving us a folksy picture of rural communities hoping we'll swallow the bait.>>
It sounds like you'v eled a pretty sheltered life and you're coming at this from a purely academic perspective and aren't interested in hearing anything from people who are actually "in the field". I'm trying to figure out what motivates you to react with such determined hostility to information that doesn't fit into your pre-determined paradigm.
As for trying to paint a folksy picture of rural communities, I'm only telling you what I've experienced firsthand and I don't see how it's "folksy". I'm not even sure what you mean by that. My guess is you haven't spent any time in a rural American or European community and it's likely what I'm saying doesn't fit the picture you've put together from some classes you've attended. I'm not "hoping you'll swallow the bait" because I have nothing to gain or lose regardless of whether you think I'm being truthful. Do I win a prize if you decide to accept anything I say as possibly accurate? Your comment is rediculous on its face.
Here's the irony... I was sharing my experience to help you better understand dynamics that you seem to have learned about from a college course but have no direct experience with. So I was trying to be helpful and you have reacted by making obtuse arguments that don't even correctly address the questions you raised in the first place. You're clearly not interested in an honest dialogue. You have an axe to grind with standard speakers and no matter what I say, since I'm a standard speaker, you'll dismiss it and come back with some silly retort.
Do yourself a favor. Get out and visit some places first hand where dialects are spoken and talk to the people who speak the dialect. Talk to them *about* their dialect. You probably won't though because you probably already know everything there is to know about the subject from a class you took or a book you've read.