It seems like you Mexicans (Lisa...Mexican) think you have a right to make fun of all other Latino accents just because you are the majority. But please ...give me a break since you seem to have a superiority complex based on the way you wrote that. It only seems to be the Mexicans who feel they have the right to make fun of the Argentine accent eventhough most other Latin Americans think of the Argentine as a pretty accent. I need the opinion of non Mexican Latins on the forum but I'm sorry I can tell a Mexican accent from a mile away whether educated or not or on Univision or reporting news on Telemundo. And if Lisa really new how to read English she would realize that I said that MEXICAN"S DON"T ASPIRATE THEIR S's and I didn't say they did. I also am very offended by the way she referred to people who do aspirate their s's as being un-educated. So that means the whole population of Cuba, Puerto Rico, most of Miami, many famous singers and Movie stars are all uneducated in the Mexican mind set. Go back and have your tacos, and burritos, and keep your ignorant opinions to yourself.
Is Mexican Spanish uniform?
Some sick people seem to wish that the native Indians in Mexico were abolished, and see a certain variety of Spanish to be superior.
They think that the aspiration of the S is a sign of uneducatedness, and wish that all Mexicans were "White".
Such people should be happy that the ones leaving Mexico are the "Brown" ones.
Those with such sick complexes are actually the ones who need to get more education.
They think that the aspiration of the S is a sign of uneducatedness, and wish that all Mexicans were "White".
Such people should be happy that the ones leaving Mexico are the "Brown" ones.
Those with such sick complexes are actually the ones who need to get more education.
I haven't made fun of anything and no one is claiming rights to anything. If anything it is people like you who incite Mexicans because you IGNORANTLY generalize. I'm clearing things up for people that seem to have the wrong idea of Mexican Spanish. If you call that having a superiority complex, then you need help. All I said was that the neutral Spanish in Mexico is not what you hear young people say with their slang or the chilangos with their accent. I ALSO mentioned that there are regional varieties and I never said it was better than any other variety of Spanish. Don't play the victim. In Latin America people make fun of accents all the time. NOT just (in) Mexico. Get off your Mexican hating bandwagon.
"Also Mexicans pronounce ALL OF THEIR S's which all other accent's (with the exception of the Highlands Colombian accent) have some level of aspiration of their s's even if minimal." Oh yeah, I can't read, RIGHT?
I never said people (cubans, puerto ricans, etc) who aspirate their S's are uneducated. I said they don't sound neutral in respect to PHONETICS. It seems it is YOU who cannot read English.
The only references I made about the uneducated people were in regards to the immigrants (specifically Mexican). They are not the best example of Spanish spoken in Mexico and many of them don't speak Spanish, only their dialect.
"Go back and have your tacos, and burritos?" Hmm... who's insulting whom?
"Also Mexicans pronounce ALL OF THEIR S's which all other accent's (with the exception of the Highlands Colombian accent) have some level of aspiration of their s's even if minimal." Oh yeah, I can't read, RIGHT?
I never said people (cubans, puerto ricans, etc) who aspirate their S's are uneducated. I said they don't sound neutral in respect to PHONETICS. It seems it is YOU who cannot read English.
The only references I made about the uneducated people were in regards to the immigrants (specifically Mexican). They are not the best example of Spanish spoken in Mexico and many of them don't speak Spanish, only their dialect.
"Go back and have your tacos, and burritos?" Hmm... who's insulting whom?
Oh and before you quote me on this(because it seems you're getting riled up about a topic I didn't start and is about discussing specifically Mexican Spanish, don't forget):
"2. Yes, indeed, Mexicans do pronounce all their S's as anyone who is EDUCATED and speaks neutral Spanish is supposed to, but this alleged "level of aspiration" is just something he made up. An educated Mexican speaker would NOT and does NOT aspirate his S's. Don't be ridiculous."
Don't forget the "AND" after educated. When I mean "educated and speaks neutral Spanish", I mean someone(in Mexico, don't forget) who loses most, if not all, his/her accent in school(and/or from home if the parents are educated), would NOT aspirate his/her S's because Mexicans who speak what is known as neutral(especially in regards to PHONETICS) Spanish would not aspirate his/her S's unless some kind of regional accent slips out. Yeah? Are we clear?
"2. Yes, indeed, Mexicans do pronounce all their S's as anyone who is EDUCATED and speaks neutral Spanish is supposed to, but this alleged "level of aspiration" is just something he made up. An educated Mexican speaker would NOT and does NOT aspirate his S's. Don't be ridiculous."
Don't forget the "AND" after educated. When I mean "educated and speaks neutral Spanish", I mean someone(in Mexico, don't forget) who loses most, if not all, his/her accent in school(and/or from home if the parents are educated), would NOT aspirate his/her S's because Mexicans who speak what is known as neutral(especially in regards to PHONETICS) Spanish would not aspirate his/her S's unless some kind of regional accent slips out. Yeah? Are we clear?
I forgot to add in my very last post, that you were right about the aspirated S thing. At a quick first glance it seemed otherwise and I apologize if I offended YOU for THAT. However, I hope the rest of my post got my point across. You should realize that there was no need for you to insult me or Mexicans (in general) with your stereotypes.
I forgot to add in my very last post, that you were right about the aspirated S thing. At a quick first glance it seemed otherwise and I apologize if I offended YOU for THAT. However, I hope the rest of my post got my point across. You should realize that there was no need for you to insult me or Mexicans (in general) with your stereotypes.
<< many of them don't speak Spanish, only their dialect. >>
Every Spanish speaker speaks a dialect. Be it Veracruz or Rioplatense or Chilean, etc.
Every Spanish speaker speaks a dialect. Be it Veracruz or Rioplatense or Chilean, etc.
Every Spanish speaker speaks a dialect. Be it Veracruz or Rioplatense or Chilean, etc.****
I did not write that.
I did not write that.
I spoke with some Americans who speak Spanish and even though they have a slightly americanized accent, their Spanish is fine.
Give me a break, the one showing a great degree of ignorance is you and the others who generalize all Mexicans without knowing beforehand the facts. By the way the only ones in Latin America that think that Argentinian Spanish is a pretty accent are the very same Argentinians, no one else. I don't know if the whole population of Cuba, most of Miami and the pop singers that came from them are uneducated or not if they aspire the S when speaking they are indeed speaking an improper form of Spanish it doesn't matter if that's the way in which the majority of them speak in their everyday life. Go and check the Real Academia de la lengua Española and see what it says about aspiring the S when speaking. I can spot an Argentian or Cuban from a mile by just hearing their accents. Don't play as a bloody victim here, the rest of Latin Americans make fun of our accent too.
If we get serious about which country has the best level Spanish every country of Latin America will fail because the only one that speaks proper Spanish (according to her rules or origin) is Spain.
And by the way the burritos is an AMERICAN INVENTION with Mexican ingredients, not a Mexican one, speaking of ignorace here. Follow your own advice and keep your stubborn and ignorant opinions to yourself.
Give me a break, the one showing a great degree of ignorance is you and the others who generalize all Mexicans without knowing beforehand the facts. By the way the only ones in Latin America that think that Argentinian Spanish is a pretty accent are the very same Argentinians, no one else. I don't know if the whole population of Cuba, most of Miami and the pop singers that came from them are uneducated or not if they aspire the S when speaking they are indeed speaking an improper form of Spanish it doesn't matter if that's the way in which the majority of them speak in their everyday life. Go and check the Real Academia de la lengua Española and see what it says about aspiring the S when speaking. I can spot an Argentian or Cuban from a mile by just hearing their accents. Don't play as a bloody victim here, the rest of Latin Americans make fun of our accent too.
If we get serious about which country has the best level Spanish every country of Latin America will fail because the only one that speaks proper Spanish (according to her rules or origin) is Spain.
And by the way the burritos is an AMERICAN INVENTION with Mexican ingredients, not a Mexican one, speaking of ignorace here. Follow your own advice and keep your stubborn and ignorant opinions to yourself.
They think that the aspiration of the S is a sign of uneducatedness, and wish that all Mexicans were "White".
Such people should be happy that the ones leaving Mexico are the "Brown" ones.
Those with such sick complexes are actually the ones who need to get more education.
There are 25 millions whites against 90 million brown so no need to worry there are planty of brown still in Mexico.
Such people should be happy that the ones leaving Mexico are the "Brown" ones.
Those with such sick complexes are actually the ones who need to get more education.
There are 25 millions whites against 90 million brown so no need to worry there are planty of brown still in Mexico.
In responding to Lisa I do apologize for my ignorant comment because i did get very much by your comment but that is over now and i don't want to keep a grudge. But the person who refers to him/herself as Mexican obviously still wants to keep up the fight and adding responses of the Real Academia which by the way if you really read would realize that it accepts all the accents as in their own way proper and that aspiration of "s's" in everyday speech where it is implemented is also the speech of the educated. The Real is obviously more fair to the variation of Spanish than you are (Mexican). For Lisa if you look up the article on Mexican spanish in Wikipedia were it sights what the standard Mexican pronunciation is it says that Chilango spoken around the DF is considered standard. It has sites for the article and where the information was gotten for that statement so if you want to look it up and dispute the claims of the person who wrote the article if you click discussion under the article as long as you have another sited source you can dispute the claim. The only thing I wanted to say is like most other Latins (I am Panamanian,Brazilian, and Italian) we can tell by hearing the accent where someone is from. I think the only countries I might get confused with are the Peruvian and Ecuadorian accents. Again I apologize to you Lisa.
<< If we get serious about which country has the best level Spanish every country of Latin America will fail because the only one that speaks proper Spanish (according to her rules or origin) is Spain. >>
That just shows your sick complex.
As if Spaniards were the best.
Even you have non-European ancestry, even if you wish you were "white".
You're the one who needs more education.
Stop looking up/down to other people based on their skin color.
That just shows your sick complex.
As if Spaniards were the best.
Even you have non-European ancestry, even if you wish you were "white".
You're the one who needs more education.
Stop looking up/down to other people based on their skin color.
That just shows your sick complex.
As if Spaniards were the best.
Even you have non-European ancestry, even if you wish you were "white".
This was not wrote by Lisa, it was wrote by an Anglo spammer with no doubt.
First of all I do have Spanish blood and I'm white but that doesn't make me less Mexican. Who the hell said that one must be brown skinned or indigenous to be a true Mexican???? You are only showing you deep ignorance about Mexican culture. Here in Mexico everybody born in Mexican soil (or naturalized) is a Mexican citizen with the same rights and obligations it doesn't matter if he is white, brown, black or mestizo.
As if Spaniards were the best.
Even you have non-European ancestry, even if you wish you were "white".
This was not wrote by Lisa, it was wrote by an Anglo spammer with no doubt.
First of all I do have Spanish blood and I'm white but that doesn't make me less Mexican. Who the hell said that one must be brown skinned or indigenous to be a true Mexican???? You are only showing you deep ignorance about Mexican culture. Here in Mexico everybody born in Mexican soil (or naturalized) is a Mexican citizen with the same rights and obligations it doesn't matter if he is white, brown, black or mestizo.
Excuse me, I seemed to got lost here, when did the topic changed to "White vs Brown"?? not that I care but just so you know all Mexicans are Mestizos, that means that they have both European and Amerindian ancestors, now realistically speaking "Mestizo" is not a physical description, the real demographics are 25% white looking, 50% light brown with white features and 25% Amerindian looking (like the ones you find in the U.S.)