En lenga

Caspian   Thu Jul 10, 2008 8:42 pm GMT
Se si pati compras ses lenga, prashu rescrivi an ses messaja. As denu, na si ne pati compras, fowe ses lenga ne sista en verme lenga!
Gene shansam!

The first person to translate this gets a metaphorical bottle of wine.
Guest   Thu Jul 10, 2008 8:48 pm GMT
"Se si pati compras ses lenga, prashu rescrivi an ses messaja."
"Wenn Du diese Sprache verstehen kannst, da bitte diese Botschaft beantworten"

"As denu, na si ne pati compras, fowe ses lenga ne sista en verme lenga!"
"But if you can't grasp it, then answer in your language or in wormspeak"

"Wormspeak": meinst Du Spanisch?.....
Guest   Thu Jul 10, 2008 8:50 pm GMT
= "Groetjes", "Salut"

"Gene shansam!"
= "Buona fortuna, Good luck!"
Caspian   Thu Jul 10, 2008 8:53 pm GMT
Sehr gut!
"Wenn Du diese Sprache verstehen kannst, da bitte diese Botschaft beantworten" Ja - alles richtig

"As denu, na si ne pati compras, fowe ses lenga ne sista en verme lenga!"

As denu, na = Ich denke, dass
Und si = du
Verme meint 'Verramente'

Aber sehr, sehr gut - Hier gibt es Wein [wein]
Caspian   Thu Jul 10, 2008 8:55 pm GMT
Other guest, YES - this is correct what you have said. Here, some more wine [wine]
Guest   Thu Jul 10, 2008 8:56 pm GMT
"The first person to translate this gets a metaphorical bottle of wine."

Hjo pato gene compras ses lenga, en flask Dom Perignon Champagne for fabor, tanke!
Caspian   Thu Jul 10, 2008 9:00 pm GMT
Habi du!!!! Cumen pati si des facas??????? WOW! [Dom Perignon Champagne] [Dom Perignon Champagne]
Caspian   Thu Jul 10, 2008 9:04 pm GMT
Si pati muse, muse gene compras - wa deni si, na ses lengas noma solla sistas?
PARISIEN   Thu Jul 10, 2008 9:23 pm GMT
"Cumen pati si des facas?"
"Comment as-tu pu faire?"

Y bi oak expert in sprook-erfinding. In skol fand y Engelsh to onregulaar, en Doitsh werkly to ferkomplitsert. Dafor hav y myn egen nowe syntetish Germansh sprook geboat. Zer enfak end problemlos to ferstaing!

(dy dre antwords oven hav yself gemaakt, selfferstanly)

Merci pour la bouteille, une suffit!
Tack för flaskan, det räcker med en!
yest   Thu Jul 10, 2008 9:37 pm GMT
wow, Parisien, ðou oamázist mie!

Ik naver wist ðat ðou swoa guod at swòa maniy forschéaden Þeudisch spreachas wast. Ik em onþríght tuo segchenn ðe least :)

Ðou goa boi!
PARISIEN   Thu Jul 10, 2008 9:52 pm GMT
"Ik naver wist ðat ðou swoa guod at swòa maniy forschéaden Þeudisch spreachas wast."
Is that your own reformed modern-auld English?
Easy, anyway:

"I didn't know you were so good at so many different Teutonic languages",
yest   Thu Jul 10, 2008 10:14 pm GMT
<<,"I didn't know you were so good at so many different Teutonic languages",
right? >>

Right! Sie, did ik noaght tellan ðie?

Ðou art ðe MAN!

<Is that your own reformed modern-auld English? >

Yea. "Eaþ"? yea, hit is. Hit was yeméant soa tuo bienn :) Ik lijk eaþ.
PARISIEN (sollte jetzt sc   Thu Jul 10, 2008 10:39 pm GMT
"Hit was yeméant soa tuo bienn"
translates in my own Germanolapük:
"Is var gement, so to bing"

Mine was shorter than yours ;-)

'eaþ' is the accusative form for the subject pronoun 'hit'?
yst   Fri Jul 11, 2008 12:33 am GMT
<<"Hit was yeméant soa tuo bienn"
translates in my own Germanolapük:
"Is var gement, so to bing"

Mine was shorter than yours ;-)

lol ;)
well, not really shorter. the 'ye-' prefix is optional so it could read:

Hit was meant soa to bienn
(one less syllable--double vowels only sound the first vowel. the other is there only to indicate etymology. for instance 'uo' is sounded as /u/; the 'o' indicates it developed from an OE 'o'. Same with 'oa', 'ie', etc. 'ou' and 'ij'/'ui' are diphthongs)

<'eaþ' is the accusative form for the subject pronoun 'hit'? >

'eaþ' means 'easy' (Scots eath)

it's very simple really:

ik mie mijn
ðou ðie ðijn
hie him sijn/his
schoa (hue/heu) hir hir
hit hit his/sijn

wie ous ouzer
yie yow/iew yower/iewer
schea (hie/hea) hem her

<Ik em onþríght tuo segchenn ðe least :) > = I am impressed to say the least :)
K. T.   Fri Jul 11, 2008 12:39 am GMT
Y bi oak expert in sprook-erfinding. In skol fand y Engelsh to onregulaar, en Doitsh werkly to ferkomplitsert. Dafor hav y myn egen nowe syntetish Germansh sprook geboat. Zer enfak end problemlos to ferstaing!

I admit that you also startled me!

It is so dang odd to read all these fake languages and understand them!