Vulgar German, Vulgar Celtic and Vulgar Slavic?
<Vulgar Latin is a blanket term covering the popular dialects and sociolects of the Latin language which diverged from each other in the early Middle Ages, evolving into the Romance languages by the 9th century. Vulgar Latin can also refer to vernacular speech from other periods, including the Classical period, in which case it may also be called Popular Latin.>
Were there such thing as Vulgar German, Vulgar Celtic or Vulgar Slavic in history?
Vulgar in this case just means "spoken language of the people", but I don't if those terms have ever been used.
Vulg- = Volk- = Folk
Vulgar = popular.
vulgar = folkar
populus = fa-folkaz
Vulgar Germanic is a redundancy.
There nether was a vulgar German. The only vulgar language that existed was Latin. The Latins were too stupid to speak it properly so they mutated the language into it's modern forms/pidgins. The Goths on the other hand had a reputation for speaking flawless Latin in addition to their holy native Germanic tongue.
<<The Goths on the other hand had a reputation for speaking flawless Latin in addition to their holy native Germanic tongue.>>
Yup. The French, Spanish and Italians today owe everything to the Goths-- (...moment of silence...)--were it not for them, they'd still be muttering "Ug" and pointing with their fingers (boogers attached).
<<There nether was a vulgar German>>
Right, because all German *was* and *is* Classical.
Vulgar Latin had to be differentiated from Real (Classical) Latin because those Romance idiots (German defectors) couldn't speak it right.
Rubbish. Vulgar Latin was spoken well before Rome's armies were slaughtered at the hands of Germanic tribes. Aside from the well educated upper class of Rome, most people spoke their own regional vulgar form of Latin. The Germanic tribes didn't defect, they ruled. In fact, they ruled most of southern Europe and North Africa for 300 years. After that, they were smart enough to go back north when the Arabs invaded.
<<Vulgar Latin was spoken well before Rome's armies were slaughtered at the hands of Germanic tribes. Aside from the well educated upper class of Rome, most people spoke their own regional vulgar form of Latin.>>
Prove it