San Diego, CA
1. Do you distinguish pronunciation between:
caught and cot No.
Mary, marry, merry No.
draw and drawl Yes.
card and cord No.
pour and poor Yes.
the vowels in ''father'' and ''bother'' No.
pull and pool No.
wine and whine No.
toon and tune No.
fill and feel No.
fell and fail No.
horse and hoarse No.
hull and hole No.
new and nu (greek letter) No.
flour and flower No.
hire and higher No.
loot and lute No.
rood and rude No.
the first vowel in ''furry'' and ''hurry'' No.
the first vowel in ''mirror'' and ''nearer'' No.
the vowels in ''bad'' and ''lad'' No.
the vowels in ''bit'' and ''kit'' No.
''bred'' and ''bread'' No.
''pause'' and ''paws'' No.
''board'' and ''bored'' No.
''pane'' and ''pain'' No.
''toe'' and ''tow'' No.
''sole'' and ''soul'' No.
''meat'' and ''meet'' No.
''rode'' and ''road'' No.
''rap'' and ''wrap'' No.
The vowels in ''brute'' and ''fruit'' No.
''not'' and ''knot'' No.
''mews'' and ''muse'' No.
''nome'' and ''gnome'' No.
''roil'' and ''royal'' No.
''taut'' and ''taught'' No.
2. Do the following sentences sound okay to you? (Don't worry about "technically" correct grammar, just tell me if these sound allright in your opinion, or if you use them.)
I might could do it tonight. No.
Do you want to come with? Yes.
We stood on line for two hours. No.
She is in hospital. No.
We seen the movie yesterday. Yes.
The car needs cleaned. No.
We are in five. No.
3. Write the word that you use to refer to these:
source of water over the sink or tub Faucet.
a carbonated drink Soda.
the thing that you drink out of at the park Water fountain.
center of a peach Pit.
tiny candies put on top of an ice cream cone or cupcake Sprinkles.
the night before Halloween. October 30th
small glowing insect visible after dark Firefly.
San Diego, CA
1. Do you distinguish pronunciation between:
caught and cot No.
Mary, marry, merry No.
draw and drawl Yes.
card and cord No.
pour and poor Yes.
the vowels in ''father'' and ''bother'' No.
pull and pool No.
wine and whine No.
toon and tune No.
fill and feel No.
fell and fail No.
horse and hoarse No.
hull and hole No.
new and nu (greek letter) No.
flour and flower No.
hire and higher No.
loot and lute No.
rood and rude No.
the first vowel in ''furry'' and ''hurry'' No.
the first vowel in ''mirror'' and ''nearer'' No.
the vowels in ''bad'' and ''lad'' No.
the vowels in ''bit'' and ''kit'' No.
''bred'' and ''bread'' No.
''pause'' and ''paws'' No.
''board'' and ''bored'' No.
''pane'' and ''pain'' No.
''toe'' and ''tow'' No.
''sole'' and ''soul'' No.
''meat'' and ''meet'' No.
''rode'' and ''road'' No.
''rap'' and ''wrap'' No.
The vowels in ''brute'' and ''fruit'' No.
''not'' and ''knot'' No.
''mews'' and ''muse'' No.
''nome'' and ''gnome'' No.
''roil'' and ''royal'' No.
''taut'' and ''taught'' No.
2. Do the following sentences sound okay to you? (Don't worry about "technically" correct grammar, just tell me if these sound allright in your opinion, or if you use them.)
I might could do it tonight. No.
Do you want to come with? Yes.
We stood on line for two hours. No.
She is in hospital. No.
We seen the movie yesterday. Yes.
The car needs cleaned. No.
We are in five. No.
3. Write the word that you use to refer to these:
source of water over the sink or tub Faucet.
a carbonated drink Soda.
the thing that you drink out of at the park Water fountain.
center of a peach Pit.
tiny candies put on top of an ice cream cone or cupcake Sprinkles.
the night before Halloween. October 30th
small glowing insect visible after dark Firefly.