The Jokder's Disorder
Does anyone remember what Batman called the Joker?
I know that he once called him a psychopath. But he also called him something else that sounded like "psychophrenic" or something. However, I've looked that term up and it does not seem to exist.
Maybe schizophrenic?
Sure it's not just sociopath?
Schizophrenic it is. Thank you
The Joker isn't schizophrenic; his behavior's more sociopathic.
* hear voices (and sometimes hold conversations with them),
* have other hallucinations such as seeing things,
* suffer from paranoia, often bizarre things that others find impossible and ridiculous
* have delusions (believing for example that aliens are controling their minds),
* think that imposters have replaced their family members,
* think that others can see their thoughts,
* act in a bizarre manner, including talking to themselves
* have obsessions with codes, messages, meanings
* don't like eye contact
* are often tired and forget personal hygiene
* usually withdrawn, confused, frightened sometimes argumentative
* rarely violent, and if so usually more danger to themselves than to others
some schizophrenics also:
* speak incomprehensibly
* don't speak
* don't move (catatonic) - this is rare these days with medication
* other symptoms
It's really unfair to associate the Joker with these unfortunate people who are often very sensitive individuals and suffering enough already.
I could almost swear that either Batman (or somebody else) called him schizophrenic.
"It's really unfair to associate the Joker "
Tell me about it. I A D O R E the Joker. One of my ever fav Hollywood characters.
one of my fav Hollywood characters ever
I assume you guys are all referring to The Dark Knight, as opposed to other Batman films and media. Anyway, I don't recall Batman or anyone else calling the Joker schizophrenic in the film, but I do remember Batman telling Harvey Dent that the Joker's goons were schizophrenic. I agree with Dr. Antimoon that the Joker would likely either be categorized as a psychopath or a sociopath.
Also, I wouldn't call the Joker a Hollywood character, unless you're referring specifically to Heath Ledger's incarnation.
The Joker is a comic book character.
Dude who knows,
I looked up incarnation but I don't seem to make the connection between any of the meanings and your use of the Ledger's sentence.
Can you elaborate more on that puleeeez
1. an incarnate being or form.
2. a living being embodying a deity or spirit.
3. assumption of human form or nature.
4. the Incarnation, (sometimes lowercase) Theology. the doctrine that the second person of the Trinity assumed human form in the person of Jesus Christ and is completely both God and man.
5. a person or thing regarded as embodying or exhibiting some quality, idea, or the like: The leading dancer is the incarnation of grace.
"Heath Ledger's incarnation of the Joker" means his version or embodiment of the Joker character, which has been played many times and in many ways by various actors -- you may remember Jack Nicholson's portrayal from the other Batman franchise. Think not of Christian theology but of Hindu theology: reincarnation, where the soul is reborn into a new body and a new life. Each actor's portrayal of the Joker is a new incarnation of the original comic book character.
" I assume you guys are all referring to The Dark Knight, as opposed to other Batman films and media. Anyway, I don't recall Batman or anyone else calling the Joker schizophrenic in the film, but I do remember Batman telling Harvey Dent that the Joker's goons were schizophrenic."
I agree. I saw The Dark Knight last night and I don't recall anyone saying the Joker was schizophrenic, but batman said it about another guy.
What I remember was when Harvey Dent was trying to get info from this guy on the Joker, he put a gun to the guy's head and then tossed a coin to see if he should shoot or not (unless he spoke up). That guy was the one dressed as a police woman with the name tag Rachel something and who was restrained in an ambulance when Harvey Dent found him. While HD was threatening to shoot, Batman suddenly appeared and stopped him from shooting and said "he's just a paranoid schizophrenic who escaped, what do you expect to gain from him?"
There was another crazy guy later on. He was saying how the Joker had promised to get rid of the voices in his head and replace them with lights or something. That guy had a remote control phone inside his stomach which lit up (one of the Joker's tricks).
I agree the Joker's really cool. He cracked me up when he dressed up as a nurse.
Тhe Joker sucks! At least for once Hollywood can't milk a sequel out of him...
The Joker's crap compared to The Mad Hatter (Jarvis Tetch) although he barely features this time.
In The Dark Knight he's the gunman wearing the "Rachel Dawes" name tag that is taken in the back of an ambulance and then is interrogated by Harvey Dent. Batman reveals his name: Jarvis Tetch, and that he'd escaped from Arkham Asylum. Pity he didn't do much other than that.