Claim: Sun Yat-sen was Korean
So, you see, the power of (Chinese) press. When people don't try to understand (esp. since they don't know Korean), they bash foreigners before they think, and they don't think at all.
i'm impressed by the Western media, they have freedom, they are FREE to bash China,WoW! Impressed!
Chinese people are brainwashed. All dissidence is smashed. Most Chinese people don't even know about Tiananmen Square massacre - it's just a rumour for them.
A lot of European and American people are mostly brainwashed by those medias which have been trying to spread Sinophobia or Anti-Chinese sentiment for their political aims. China is NOT USA, there would be NOTHING to be afraid of.
"Made in China" is another way of describing cheap, unreliable, low-quality products.
Even their news articles are totally unreliable.
The country with a full of counterfeits, fake stuff - Great China!
<,"Made in China" is another way of describing cheap, unreliable, low-quality products. >>
"Made in China" is also another way of describing cheap, unreliable, low-quality people.
I don't wanna see this thread turning into another flaming war.
Now, ideology here is a source of arguments, period. You are never really free in any country. Ideology is ideology. My post was intended to get an understanding, not arguments.
No politics here.
<< A lot of European and American people are mostly brainwashed by those medias which have been trying to spread Sinophobia or Anti-Chinese sentiment for their political aims. China is NOT USA, there would be NOTHING to be afraid of. >>
Then if you feel this way, you should be a strong supporter of the Spanish language and start learning it. The government of Spanish speaking Cuba is the same type as the Chinese government. The government of Spanish speaking Venezuela is suppose to be close to the type of government there is in China. And the list goes on.
Seriously, while you depreciate Chinese-made goods, a huge proportion of your country's population are actually happy consuming them, for they either cannot afford locally produced goods or want to save money for other things. In other words, without them, it can lead to a decline of these people's living standard. The internet matrix provides a platform for hatred-motivated rumor to spread effectively. But there are, I believe, wise people who are capable of making the right judgement.
<Made in China" is another way of describing cheap, unreliable, low-quality products.
Even their news articles are totally unreliable.
The country with a full of counterfeits, fake stuff - Great China!>
1, Cheap and low-quality products had ever been manufactured by some Chinese unscrupulous merchants in the past, before our Chinese realized building up good credit is the most important thing for China, and it has shown that we really managed to redeem the reputation by improving the quality and technology. And have you ever found out some products of which quality can even be compared with Frech or Italian famous products. Actually, we learned our lesson, and have been just doing our best to push qualified products (made in China) which are able to carry on a competition towards international market. Thanks for your scorching sarcasm, because it may encourage Chinese people to do better and better in the world.
2, Whether news articles are reliable or not, it mainly depends on the National Standpoint, now China is prospering with each passing day, and getting stronger increasingly in terms of Economy, Technology, Science, Military Affairs, & etc. Some countries hate China out of much jealousy and often make unwarranted accusation to combat China, in fact, I can understand what this status feels like, they do anything that can make China more weakly, it's absolutely NOT for following the truth or saving Chinese people, they have only one political purpose, obviously that's just to weaken China, sometimes, even by supporting India or doing whatever else.
<"Made in China" is also another way of describing cheap, unreliable, low-quality people.>
It would be much better for you to learn how to respect other people.
If a murder comes from USA, can you say all the American are murders?
If we found something is wrong with a IBM notebook, can you say all the IBM notebooks are rubbish?
If you ever do something illegal, would it be necessary to condemn you to die?
<<If you ever do something illegal, would it be necessary to condemn you to die?>>
If I live in China yes! People get executed for stealing a piece of bread!
"Then if you feel this way, you should be a strong supporter of the Spanish language and start learning it. The government of Spanish speaking Cuba is the same type as the Chinese government. The government of Spanish speaking Venezuela is suppose to be close to the type of government there is in China. And the list goes on."
Hmmm...this is interesting!
At least, there are two important cultures, Hispanic and Chinese that don't like two much Anglo culture.
Anglo culture (American & British) is seen in a lot of countries as the most important and beautiful.
However, there are, at least, 6 other World cultures so important than Anglo: Chinese, Hindi, Arabic, Hispanic, Russian and Francophone. They have the same point of view in one thing: They don't like too much the Anglo culture, or they are clearly Anti-American.
<Then if you feel this way, you should be a strong supporter of the Spanish language and start learning it. The government of Spanish speaking Cuba is the same type as the Chinese government. The government of Spanish speaking Venezuela is suppose to be close to the type of government there is in China. And the list goes on.>
Please come to China and travel around, here in China, it's much more developed than Cuba. In fact, it has nothing to do with government forms/type, it only relates to Whether government could make Economy/Science/Technology/Military stronger and stronger, in order to face up with any challenge in the world, and also show that, China was ever the strongest country all over the world, and now China, a sleeping lion, has waken up again.
<If I live in China yes! People get executed for stealing a piece of bread!>
Perhaps you might have never known where China definately locates in the map. Have you ever been in Beijing, Shanghai, and Tianjin?
Come to China and find what China looks like. Now, it is NOT in 100 years ago, NOT in Qing Dynasty.
<However, there are, at least, 6 other World cultures so important than Anglo: Chinese, Hindi, Arabic, Hispanic, Russian and Francophone. They have the same point of view in one thing: They don't like too much the Anglo culture, or they are clearly Anti-American.>
Please note, I don't belong to those who are always Anti-Anglo.
Because I'm neither an Islamic Muslim, nor a Blind Chinese Patriot.
The worst thing is not ignorance, it should be that, we would like to do nothing about promoting mutual understanding more deeply between East and West.