Is this IRISH accent like any American dialect

Mark   Thu Nov 24, 2005 11:27 am GMT
listen to this as well   Thu Nov 24, 2005 11:49 am GMT
Rob   Thu Nov 24, 2005 7:32 pm GMT
Uriel   Thu Nov 24, 2005 10:36 pm GMT
To my ears, they were both very, very close to an American accent. The second one (the Kilkenny man) was even closer than the first one (from Belfast).

Mostly it's the vowels that are slightly different-- the Belfast man's long O's were more like long U's to me ("go" sounded like "goo"), and his pronunciation of "Wednesday" -- "weddensday" -- is not what I would expect from an American, who would more likely pronounce it exactly like the Kilkenny man's "wenzday".

Boy had slightly tenser-sounding short E's than, say, me, and their pronunciation of "toy" saounded like a cross between my "toy" and "tie".

Occasionally the final R's sounded even more pronounced than I would expect in my own accent.

But there were many, many words, especially in the Kilkenny accent, that sounded identical to how I would say them.