French or Spanish: which one do you recommend me?
The last one is right. It depends on the countries where you want to go for pleasure or work.
Spanish: Spain, Mexico, USA, Central America, Caribbean and South America.
French: France, French Belgium, French Switzerland, Quebec and French Africa.
Both have a lot of minorities and speakers around the World. Both are considered the most studied World languages, after English. There is only one important difference: the World tendencies.
One of them is decreasing in the number of students and speakers around the World, and the other one, increasing fastly.
In North Africa Spanish is widely spoken too. Try to go to North Morocco, many people speak Spanish.
Go with French. It is spoken in the whole world and it sounds better. Spanish sounds dirty and uneducated, like the countries where it is spoken.
Go for French and Italian.
Spanish and Portuguese sound dirty and uneducated, like the countries where they're spoken.
Last time I was in the Paris Subway it was really dirty. Why don't you clean it? I must say that Madrid Metro is much nicer and cleaner. I'm from NY.
The last one is right. It depends on the countries where you want to go for pleasure or work.
French: France, French Belgium, French Switzerland, Quebec and French Africa.
Spanish: Spain, Mexico, USA, Central America, Caribbean and South America.
Both have a lot of minorities and speakers around the World. Both are considered the most studied World languages, after English. There is only one important difference: The World tendencies.
One of them is is claming and lying that the number of students and speakers around the world, and the other one, truly increases without lying.
Last time I was in the Madrid Metro it was really dirty and full of shit. Why don't you clean it? I must say that Paris Subway is much nicer and cleaner. I'm a genuine New Yorker never a lying hispanic.
Don't go with Spanish. It is not spoken in the whole world and it sounds worse. Spanish sounds dirty and uneducated, like the countries where it is spoken.
French and Spanish are dialects of Italian. Learn Italian!
This article is very interesting. Take a look at this:
<<Chinese is a language spoken by 1.3 billion people worldwide. (More than 1 million students learn French, a language spoken by 75 million people.)
In U.S. homes, Chinese has eclipsed French, German and Italian to become the third most commonly spoken language, after English and Spanish.>>
The reality confirm the predictions. Study English, Chinese and Spanish.
This LAST 2 articleS are very interesting. Take a look at this:
<<Chinese is a language spoken by 1.3 billion people worldwide. (More than 1 million students learn French, a language spoken by 75 million people.)
In U.S. homes, Chinese has eclipsed French, German and Italian to become the third most commonly spoken language, after English and Spanish.>>
The reality confirm the predictions. Study English, Chinese and Spanish. >>
Sorry the French speaking world transmits knowledge whiule Spanish receives without applying them properly for progress.
What ideas did the Spanish speaking world gave to the word? NADA.
What ideas did the Spanish speaking world gave to the word?
Fiesta and Siesta
What ideas did the French speaking world gave to the word?
To destroy with Atomic bombs some Pacific islands and the guillotine. Nowadays, the muslim culture.
I prefer the Hispanic way of life.