Who says 'eye-ther' and who says 'ee-ther'? I'm confounded!
I guess they're both correct, but in England, people tend to say 'eye-ther'.
"Eye-ther" one can be used in the US. It depends, I guess. I don't really know "ee-ther".
LOL. That's how I personally say it.
LOL. That's how I personally say it.
I use both: it depends on which sounds better at the moment, or which I feel like saying. So beyond the fact that it's a regional variant, it even varies within the speech of single individuals.
You hear eye-ther in the US; I rarely (if ever) hear it in the South or Southwest, but my girlfriend is from LA, CA and says "eye-ther." I always just assumed it was because her dad is from Liverpool (and this is why she claims she "doesn't have an accent" but let's be serious... She's from LA...)
I almost always hear (and say) ee-ther, but eye-ther is not unheard of. I think I heard it more in the north.
Eye-ther always strikes me (unfairly, perhaps) as a little pretentious, but it's all in what you are used to, I suppose. ;)
Eye-ther always strikes me (unfairly, perhaps) as a little pretentious, but it's all in what you are used to, I suppose. ;)
Both are used in UK, both are used in the US, but in UK eye-form is more common while in the US, ee-form is more common.